Monday, August 16, 2004

Welcome & Introductions

Welcome welcome welcome.
Since the first write up I stupidly typed in was lost by this wonderful blog interface (i.e. the stupid thing disappeared when I tried to highlight it) I want to welcome you to my little spot of the blog world for the SECOND TIME.
To highlight what I mentioned the first time I wrote this section, I wanted to christen this blog, among the billions of other blogs and to add more blogs to the already over blogged blogging that blogs normally. Really, thank blogging blog for blogs, eh?
I can predict, with some certainty that this blog won't be fluffy bunnies and flowers with an optomistic viewpoint on the world, its future and those saintly souls who live in it. No no no. Boring. If one wants to read that sort of thing, I would think watching ones toenails growing would also be right up there on the "fun things to do" list. But what I've learned is that most people don't want to read about nice things or good things. People want to complain about something or someone. They want an outlet and blogging is just the ticket eh? The perverbial paper airplane sent across the class room with a big middle finger sticking out of it for all to see.
My father would have had a "colorful euphamism" about blogging were he still alive; "Opinions are like assholes. Everyone's got one." So true. But where the man on the street wearing the sandwich board that says "Repent, the end is near!" was always ignored, today he can go to an internet cafe, order a Starbucks Mocha Skinny and blog "Repent, the end is near" and people would believe him. I'm waiting for the blog that says, "Will blog for food." Perhaps I'm too late and it already exists.
So what's this blog about eh? What wonderful words of wisdom will I share with the millions of internet downloaders of por... er... world wide web surfers that will help them cope with everyday life, uplift their spirits and make them a better person. If that's what's expected, I believe you want to go to a different blog. I'll point out the obvious, make slanderous and wild accusations, provide supporting documentation from "questionable" sources, and provide my two cents about all of it. Agree or disagree that's your choice. My suggestions for changing the world I live in may not apply to you, or you may not agree with my point of view. To that I have one thing to say: Go get your own cup of Starbucks and start your own blog. Pffft.
Who am I? No one of consequence or am I? Could I be someone famous? Possibly. Someone powerful in the world of politics or someone who commands life and death decisions affecting million. Err.. no. Have I ever danced with the devil under the pale moonlight? Definately not - devils give me a rash (and yes, that was a hockey reference. Way to go if you saw that coming and knew it was also a famous movie quote and a portion of a Meatloaf song). Nothing is safe from my mindless drivel and scorn. Praise is not easily given and it takes a little doing to impress me.
Now, shove off until I have something to write about. You've hung around here long enough. Off with you now...Go...shoo.


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