Monday, August 16, 2004

Freak trial of the Century

Everyone knows the kid from school who just wasn't quite right. He wasn't retarded and didn't take the funny bus (we called funny bus the "tart cart") home, but he was eccentric, unusual. Later on in high school, he was the one dressing Goth to look tough, smoked a lot of weed and watched "Pink Floyd: The Wall" about a billion times. This weirdness was carried out as the jocks would pick on the poor kid. Back then it wasn't a big deal - now the weird kid brings in an UZI and fills you full of lead then blows his brains out on the gym floor.

The freak shows that occur today are just a part of growing up. The freak show that's going on in Santa Maria, CA with Michael Jackson is a Carney wet dream. I found a particular quote from CNN's morning show that said "Jackson is showing up today in court to basically "eye ball" the prosecutor".

Now, while funny in one way, it's a little freakish (in a "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" way) in another. Can you imagine Michael Jackson trying to eye ball anyone down? I would think he'd be afraid his face would slide right off his skull and "PLOP!" on the floor.

The story also mentioned he (Jackson) went to the preeminent Los Angeles Black Church before hand. I'm surprised he didn't visit a Catholic father and trade notes and "boy toy" stories? Someone like Archbishop Ramone Sanchez from New Mexico who stated in 1991, “I did not understand (the sexual molestation of a child) to be a crime. I considered it to be a moral infraction of (a priest's) own life, and it was an offense against a child."

Really. Where else would that kind of crap work? Well, how about with Michael Jackson for instance? He's paid off multiple people to not bring charges against him. He sleeps with boys in his bed. Let me repeat that. He's 40+ years old, changed his skin color, is a multi-millionaire, built an amusement park at his home to attract children, and sleeps with boys in his bed. Not little girls... no no, boys. This guy isn't a freak. I wouldn't insult the freaks of this world by putting Jackson in their same category; they don't deserve that!

He's a homosexual pedophile people. Sure he's a talented musician and has been all of his life. But he's got multiple wires crossed (probably from all those chemicals that bleached his skin white) and preys on boys. What's truly amazing is that parents still allow their children to be around him. Now THAT my friends are some sicko parents. Where's DYFS when you need them!? Why don't those parents just sell their kids to be prostitutes for crying out loud!

Nothing could be more like watching a circus than this impending trial. Oh oh! Wait! I just had a million dollar idea! When Jacko gets put away in the big house, I'll start a reality show following Jackson around prison while he's traded for cigarettes.

And this week, Jackson appears in his own hellish version of HBO's hit show "OZ". In prison, everyone can hear you scream!

Eye for an eye you sick-o molester freak show.


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