Sunday, September 19, 2004


Ever heard of "Talk like a pirate day"? How about "Wool Day" and "World Priest Day"? Well, if you didn't know, that was today (Sept 19th). Didn't know that? Well, someone was apparently bored and made up a bunch of stuff in order to... I dunno.

So, in support of Daily and Weekly Observace Days (after all, this blog is about Observation and commenting on such...) I thought I'd give you a blurb of highlights of some of the stand-outs! (queue laugh track! roll sound, aaannnnndd action!)



- Go Wild During California Wild Rice Month
- Hug a Texas Chef Month
- International Gay Square Dancing Month (who woulda guessed)
- National Pediculosis Prevention Month (a.k.a. Head Lice Prevention Month)
- Pleasure you mate Month
- Update your resume Month
- Sea Cadet Month


- Self-University Week (9/1 - 9/7)
- National Waffle Week (9/5-9/11)
- Bald is beautiful Days (9/10 - 9/12)
- Love a Mensch Week (9/13 - 9/19) (Mensh - A person having admirable characteristics Yiddish
- National Love your files Week (9/20 - 9/24)
- National Older Workers Employment Week (9/21 - 9/27)


- Be late for something day (9/5)
- Wonderful Weirdo's Day (9/9)
- Ugly Women Day (9/11) (I didn't make this up! .ed)
- Doodle Soup Days (9/13 & 9/14)
- Someday (9/15)
- Talk like a Pirate day (9/19)
- Hobbit Day (9/22) (Break out your pipe weed)

And now my favorite for September:

Fish Tank Floorshow Night (9/28)


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