Thursday, December 22, 2005

Guess the Political Party

I know, you're thinking why the heck would I want to take a test. Well, it should be easy and sorta fun. It's called "Guess the Party" game - I give you a list of quotes from two of the biggest blogs out there in Internet land, and you guess which one is which. You're choices are:

Liberal - (Cynical)
Republican - (Positive)

If you don't know why the liberals are cynical, you just need to go to any south paw blog to find the f-bombs and the President of the United States being called every name in the book.

At the end you can score yourself and see how you did. No peeking - read them all okay? Ready?

"For 2005, my annual task of reviewing the past year has been complicated by an old adage: oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive."
Liberal or Republican

"California Republican congressman Duke Cunningham had a narrow window of opportunity...The aging Navy fighter-jock did not miss his chance. At an impromptu press conference, Cunningham announced both his resignation from Congress and his guilty plea to several corruption charges...the Dukester secured his place in history -- as a simpering, blubbering jellyfish."
Liberal or Republican

"Which is where we entered 2005: believe it or not, Bush and Cheney's second inaugural was a scant 11 months ago. Feels more like 11 years, doesn't it?"
Liberal or Republican

"Cheney, a man who makes Donald Trump look like a hands-off guy, would have us believe that he was shocked to learn that his top aide had become a rogue operative in this criminal conspiracy."
Liberal or Republican

"The Republican Congress was a disgrace throughout the year. Low points included the ethics scandals that embroiled both the House and Senate majority leaders."
Liberal or Republican

"By July, polls showed 51 percent of the country felt it had been misled into war. The slide has continued. Dick Cheney is now trailing cholera in opinion surveys."
Liberal or Republican

Hanging in there? It's going to get even better!

"Camp Casey was so traumatic for W that he was probably relieved when Hurricane Katrina's epic storm surge washed Cindy Sheehan out of the headlines. As ever, Bush was careless about what he wished for, and soon the world was looking at shocking aerial views of a country run by dim frat boys."
Liberal or Republican

"After Katrina, it began to seem that Bush's actions and policies were nothing more than the result of drunken bar bets. In fact, the very reputable National Enquirer posited that W was back on the bottle."
Liberal or Republican

"It's become clear that one of the reasons they wanted Iraqi oil was so they could boil it for use in interrogations. It used to be that an "extraordinary rendition" involved William Shatner singing "Mr. Bojangles"; now it has to do with re-opening Eastern European gulags."
Liberal or Republican

"Bush picked a fight he didn't need to pick. And lost. In doing so he weakened our nation and allies, and strengthened our enemies. And he did one more thing: he secured his place in history as a dangerous and soulless lunatic. It would require serious generosity to simply label him as pathetic."
Liberal or Republican

"Curly or Larry would have thrown in the towel by now. Unfortunately, Moe's our president."
Liberal or Republican

"O'Reilly saw through this Jewish, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, pagan, Wicca, agnostic, atheist plot and spearheaded a drive to forcibly put the phrase "Merry Christmas" back in the mouths of those who during the rest of the year sincerely urge us to "have a good one."
Liberal or Republican

"By way of thanks, I'd like to send along this special holiday greeting to Mr. O'Reilly: Go fuck yourself ... you have the technology."
Liberal or Republican

"Anyone who thinks Islam is congenitally hostile to democracy, however, will have to explain Indonesia, the world's biggest Muslim-dominated nation, which is now categorized as free...Over the past six years, Indonesia has undergone a remarkable transformation from near-dictator."
Liberal or Republican

Okay so how did you do? Did you pick up on the "subtleness" of the quotes? If you think you've got it down, then lets go to the scoring shall we?

Liberal quotes: All except the last quote.
Republican quote: None - the last quote was simply a fact

And there you have it! I'll give the author(s) credit for one thing - they sure are stupid - but words fail to show the utter dismay and vile hatred that this site brings to the blogsphere. From the posts you can tell they're not happy. Aww... Next time, we're going to have a "Pity Party" for the poor Commies who use big words they heard on the news like "Gulag", "Reich" and "the". They sound spineless and weak - too preoccupied by complaining. Where the roles reversed, they'd call the Republicans "whiners" and "sore loosers". All I have to say is right here...


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