Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Why does anyone care?

I'm so very tired of watching specials on Mohammad Atta on A&E. I should stop complaining and just turn the channel. I particularly like A&E and especially the Crime & Punishment series, but both this morning and this evening we have the Mohammad Atta specials.

Sure, I watched a while, but these idiots that are making all these comments, like the BBC's German Reporter going into the apartment that Atta stayed at, listening to how difficult Atta had it at home, that he didn't have an easy time finding work, blah blah blah. Who the freak cares? He was a LOOSER and couldn't find work so he became a terrorist who killed 3,000+ innocent people. Why would anyone care what he thought about, or how he felt?

Do you sit and think seriously about how Jeffry Dahmer was feeling when he ate part of the arm of his third victim? Why he would do such a thing and what a great life he had? No, he was a rabid dog that needed to be shot - end of story. Atta is the same or even worse. The A&E show started to then re-trace every step they made, where they went, what they ate, how they acted. *sigh*

Why not have some shows about honorable people? Atta should be stricken from the populations memory with one of those little red light pen thingies from Men in Black. That they're all murderous bastard fanatics isn't enough - the panty wastes have to document every time Atta farted and how he felt about it and how it was all because he had such a tough life... awww... pity party for poor little Atta.

I'm not interested in why they feel they needed to do it, what they felt like when they did it, or when they were leading up to it, or what they ate before they did it. The only thing I wanna see is them suffering the way those people did in the twin towers.

"But dude", you say, "that's so uncivilized and you're putting yourself on their level! You must rise above them and seek to understand why they feel they must kill themselves. We have to seek to understand". Pardon my french but Bullshit. It may be wrong, but if death is what they want, I say we give it to them. After all, America makes deams come true - and we should probably give them the paradise they so richly deserve. What we NEED to do is get medieval on their asses. I wish to quote Pulp Fiction here:

"What now? Let me tell you what now. I'm gonna call a coupla hard, pipe-hittin' niggers, who'll go to work on the homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch. You hear me talkin', hillbilly boy? I ain't through with you by a damn sight. I'ma get medieval on your ass."


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