Saturday, November 17, 2007

Democrat Debate Dinner Theater

[Tags: Democrats, theater, debate, liberals, Hillary,

That's right. The latest CNN Democrat debate which occurred Nov. 14th on of course, CNN is getting blamed for "planting questions" in the audience - which leads me to believe two things:

1. CNN is a hypocrites dream
2. The Democrat debates are nothing more than bad dinner theater

I call CNN hypocritical since they jumped all over the planted question Hillary's handlers put out to another young woman at a supposed "Town Hall Meeting", called "Plant-Gate" by the Republicans. Yet, CNN now scripts and plants questions for their own viewers and basically does the same thing they reported Hillary doing. I guess CNN followed the Huffington Post citing "Plant-Gate" as a great idea. Everyday people are apparently way to stupid and lazy to understand actual questions and answers - the Democrat leadership must now hire the striking Hollywood writers on scab wages to script the media debates. The idea that spontaneous interaction of approval or disapproval from the audience and real actual questions thought up by and asked by real people at a political debate now seems preposterous. Maria Luisa, a UNLV student who asked Hillary Clinton the now famous "Do you prefer diamonds or pearls" fluff question of the political century had this to say on her Myspace page after receiving tons of email criticizing her question:

"CNN ran out of time and used me to "close" the debate with the pearls/diamonds question. Seconds later this girl comes up to me and says, "you gave our school a bad reputation.' Well, I had to explain to her that every question from the audience was preplanned and censored. That's what the media does. See, the media chose what they wanted, not what the people or audience really wanted. That's politics; that's reality. So, if you want to read about real issues important to America--and the whole world, I suggest you pick up a copy of the Economist or the New York Times or some other independent source. If you want me to explain to you how the media works, I am more than happy to do so. But do not judge me or my integrity based on that question."

"...every question from the audience was preplanned and censored."

So what is one to believe... that these debates are actual answers to actual questions that citizens who will be voting in approximately 1 year, believe are important to them? Hell no. This is dinner theater and bad dinner theater at that ... first there's no dinner. Strike one. The dinner theater that I'm familiar with, like a good "murder mystery" dinner theater does not inform the public what they are going to do via a script... that's what makes it a little edgy and fun... the audience member who gets pulled into the murder mystery has no idea what will happen. In the Democrat debate theater, apparently everyone had the script prior to taping. Strike two. Then what seems to have occurred, according to this UNLV student, not only was the audience informed and provided a script, they were also provided questions to ask the "debaters", and asked to make it seem like they are actually asking it for their own personal interest... Strike three. This isn't even "Survivor" type scripted... this is "Seinfeld" scripted but with no punch lines and very bad comedic timing.

So can we expect that all these supposed debates are scripted by the media, controlled by the media, and supported by the media? According to the Republicans - yes. John Gibson, Fox journalist and talking head accused Wolfie Blitzer of having to follow the Clinton script found on Media Matters' website about what to ask and what not to ask. Media Matters is, according to Hillary, her baby and was started by her and is funded by George Soros - billionaire socialist/communist who's prime wants are a changed U.S., repeal of the constitution, socialist/communist America.

George, George, George... money can't buy you love...

It seems like the softballs were flying at the CNN democrat debate and it certainly appears as though Wolfie decided not to get on the bad side of the Clinton's and the body bags that have plagued those who have crossed the Clinton's. Conspiracy... probably. Yet, there's a lot of circumstantial evidence which leads one to believe there's at least some smoke if not absolute fire there. The Clinton's have been in bed with very bad people for many decades and have mastered the art of the non-stick scandal. If the Bush/Rove group is getting away with not being impeached, the Clinton's have gotten away with multiple charges of serial murders in comparison.

So what's a moderate to do when watching "Debate theater"? View it like an episode of "House" or a geriatric "Grey's Anatomy" and realize that it's all a put up job. It's not real. Even if the questions were real, the audience wasn't scripted, the moderators weren't controlled, the answers from politicians certainly would be contrived bullshit 99% of the time. They'll say pretty much anything (in most any language ie. Dodd) to get a vote. Shake hands, kiss babies, knife their own grandmother - whatever. I personally got turned off from the YouTube debate with the hand-puppet and snowman questions... since then, it's all been a cartoon to me. The last thing I want is some hand puppet asking some fluff question and the left-loon pundits orgasming all over themselves for the next two weeks about how "progressive" they are. Gimme a break. The hand puppet isn't paying a pension, isn't fixing the tax code, isn't helping in Iraq... but it sure is a metaphor for politics isn't it? A made up puppet with controlled by someone's hand up it's ass - if that's not a metaphor for politics and the Democrat debates I don't know what is.

Ed. note:

(Yes, I use the word "Democrat" instead of "Democratic" in this piece - the reason is, those who call themselves DEMOCRATS and are running for the Presidency in 2008 are not "Democratic" or "Democrats" by any means, so I feel it's misguiding readers who may stumble upon this blog and actually read it - all 2 of them in the next decade - and I'd hate to have mislead two people out of 300 million by calling a democrat debate democratic.)


Blogger Big Blog Collection said...

Interesting blog. We invite you to list it on our blog directory

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4:56 AM  
Anonymous How do I? said...

This is still relevant, 3 years later...

10:26 PM  

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