Friday, March 10, 2006

Education - BooHiss! (Part 1)

[Tags: teaching, Education, corruption, socialist, dysfunction,

If Education in this country is looked at with a critical eye, one that is as critical as say, the pundits of politics in America, many things come to the surface as dysfunctional and gangrenous. The short list includes:

- The Jay Bennish's of the world with captive audiences (teenagers) who cannot provide resistance to his ideas since they basically know nothing about it.
- The multitude of female teachers who, over the past few years, seem to have a taste for prepubescent boys.
- The absence and resistance to school vouchering, which would identify good and bad schools and actually provide competition between school systems and teachers
- The lackluster High School testing results which place much of the United States youth, who are the riches and fattest youth in the world, behind some 3rd world countries who have little money and stand in line for food at their local shops. (America is below the Top 20 overall in the world, in test scores)
- The inability of schools to remove tenured teachers, due to the inexplicably strong teachers union
- The stupidity of schools applying “zero tolerance” policies which take the responsibility of school administration out of all conflicts and teach children inflexibility
- The “black hole” of education spending and the political spin this always incurs
- The overwhelming liberal slant of America's colleges who employ teachers who would be more at home in a protest line than in a college classroom
- The anti-Americanism of some colleges, such as Yale, who will allow Sayed Rahmatullah Hashemi, the Deputy Foreign Secretary of the Taliban, not just as a student to Yale, but also allows him on campus – while demanding and revoking America's own ROTC from it's campus
- Taking the issue of uttering the name “God”, during the pledge of allegiance in some elementary schools, and taking that issue all the way to the United States Supreme Court

Jay Bennish -
While the blogsphere has certainly split down political party lines on this one, the fact remains that Mr. Bennish is a Geography teacher, not a civics or PolySci teacher in a High School. The 20 minute dissertation he gave on the evils of America and his own spin on the State of the Union address, recently given by Bush, was not only “the wrong place at the wrong time” but inappropriate for his class. Secondly, he's a hypocrite for providing only one side of the story – yet at the end, stating that everyone should make up their own mind. I wonder why he didn't provide another 20 minutes on the “opposite” side of the story? Could it be that he really DOESN'T want his students making up their own minds and simply wants to load them up with one side so they agree with him? He was wrong and the content and delivery of his 20 minute rant was inappropriate and he should be canned. Period.

MJ hates little girls!

Prepubescent boy toys – It's a sickness and I don't know where it comes from, but I guess some of these women teachers just can't handle grown up men in the sack and need to go to hairless boys for their sexual fantasies. I'm sure the 12 year old boys won't whine too much with hot sex from young and alluring Miss Bambie Nympho. This puts a dent into the whole “bigger is better” penis theory though doesn't it.

School vouchers – The reason this issue has so many controversy legs is because allowing vouchering will demand an entire overhaul in our educational system, and the union and people getting rich off the current method just cannot have that occur. Every year, Educational systems get thrown more money, yet the quality of education goes down and down. Kids are stupider now than 20 or 30 years ago and it's not because of a genetic flaw,it's that the system sucks. Here's the solution:

- Remove the Teachers Unions, as they are no longer needed or effective
- Remove the “tenure” issue and put competition back into teaching
- Overhaul the educational system and allow vouchers to separate the good and bad school is increase money to good schools, decrease money on bad schools and run the bad ones out of business.
- Require schools to follow a uniform dress code which will slightly modify the overwhelming individualism at the early grades.
- Ditch all of the “zero tolerance” policies and make the administrators work for their paycheck, know the students and intervene when necessary.
- Incorporate a standardized curriculum which can be added to by school states, but nothing can be removed.
- Remove all “quotas” for entry into colleges – it's stupid and demoralizing
- Fund all students who cannot pay for higher education – no students should be turned away from colleges who meet a minimum GPA just because their parents cannot pay or the student didn't get a scholarship. This could be a government loan or grant, which would need to be expanded with all the money saved from the “black hole” of educational funding.
- Religion, location, race and ethnicity and economic factors no longer play a role.

Testing Results by school should be tied to their funding. If the teachers in that school are not reaching the kids and the kids testing is bad – it's up to the school's individually to rectify the problem, strategize a solution and implement it. After school tutoring, mandatory help, summer school and advanced studies should be offered at all schools. Note: It is a testament to the dysfunction of American Education that our students at the High School level learn much less than poor 3rd world countries. The fallacy of “more money = better education” obviously is false.

Next entry: Part 2 of my ongoing rant against Un-Education


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