Friday, August 20, 2004

Stream of Unconciousness

Kerry the Swiftboat Captain: A new Spongebob spinoff coming soon to the Cartoon Network. Show 1: Cartoon Kerry stubs his toe at the Krusty Krab and Spongebob swears it was a Vietcong soldier who hit Kerry with a rifle butt while under heavy fire from the Chum Bucket. Kerry's superiors put him up for the CMH, so they don't have to hear his whining for the next 20 years.

The U.S. is leading in the overall Olympic medal count! WOOT! Saw the badminton gold match. Never new a shuttlecock could a.) fly that fast b.) was so naughty to say.

Can we please bomb the hell out of Najaf already? CNN this morning 8/20: "This militia group in Iraq really has given the greatest military power on earth a run for it's money..." Of course it has - it's political, it's not military. We can't harm the little mosque where all the bombs, guns, RPG's and bad guys are. Our soldiers are fighting with both hands and a foot tied behind their backs. Besides, when we shoot a terrorist, don't we have to send cards and flowers to their families and provide a public apology too? SOMEONE DIG UP PATTON FOR CRYING OUT LOUD AND LET'S GET THIS THING DONE ALREADY!!

Monkey's don't have a spincter which is why they crap at a whim and need diapers. That's one for the trivia file.

Hydrogen fuel cells! Invest now and let's get off our Oil dependency!

U.S. Olympic women's softball. Overpowering. 77 victories in a row. Outscores opposition 41-0.

I've been converted from a hockey player to an International Beach Volleyball fan. As a friend said after viewing the pic below: "GO BRASIL!"


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