Do's and Don'ts
At risk of sounding like Andy Rooney (of 60 minutes... it's a news magazine program... started in the 70's... oh never mind), did you ever notice that everything "they" say is good for you a few months later, they say is bad for you? For example, take alcohol. The Europeans have been living on the stuff for thousands of years and in mass quantities I might add.
Some Dr's and Scientists have said in the past decade, that for non-pregnant females and healthy males of legal age, one drink a day is probably good for your health. They have cited numerous benefits ranging from heart benefits, lowered LDL cholesterol and better circulation. More than 2 drinks per day seem to lower the benefit and then getting hammered every day is probably bad for your health in hundred ways.
Then we hear Wine (Red specifically) has some miracle ingredient that has kept the French from keeling over from a heart attack! Drink Red Wine!
Then the hammer drops - alcohol in ANY amount increases cancer, could increase certain types of neurological diseases, etc. So it WAS good, now not good.
How about Yogurt?? Those little dudes in Tibet or something like that live to 140 years and they eat yogurt every day!! It must be the yogurt! Then we hear dairy isn't good... no, no good. Bad Dairy. No Yogurt.
Not this one - the other one
How about Orange Juice! Yeah - it cures friggin cancer! It'll give you a boner that lasts three days!! DRINK ORANGE JUICE!!! Who needs Levitra anyway! Ooops... it doesn't do all those things.
What your being is manipulated. Bamboozled. Snookered. When the dairy people need a lift - they give a few fat grants to some scientists who (we'll marginally call them scientists) work for and are paid by the Dairy people to issue a press release that Milk cures the common cold! Result: There's a rush on milk and lactose intolerant people are crying in their perverbial Soy. Then someone (a legitimate someone) checks the story out and refutes the findings saying the results weren't as claimed! SHOCK! BETRAYAL!
Consumers in this country are willing to bounce from one thing to the next. I was recently listening to a guy on an Ohio AM station that said his little product did everything from prevent cancer, help reverse heart disease, makes you loose weight, grows hair and will help you perform sexually like you were 18 again (in a womens view - 30 again).
This is what was called a "SNAKE OIL SALESMAN" in the old West. If you watch some of those old western movies, you'll see these guys riding around selling al sorts of junk they claim to do everything and anything. People buy it because they want to believe it. When it doesn't work, they move on to the next product, hoping against hope.
If you buy this, I have an almost new bridge for sale!
So what's the point of this... what the hell are you going on about snake oil salesmen for? Did you finally loose it?
No no no - silly reader. This is why the U.S. is so damn strong in the world. Why Chirac and Schroeder detest the americans - why we're stupid, insipid, uncouthe, un-educated, primative and just dirt. We spend and spend. When it doesn't work we move on to the next thing and spend more. The American consumer spends more on crap they use once and throw away or use all the time that doesn't do a damn thing than any other human that ever existed!! Other country's wouldn't put up with that rubbish! They'd come and burn your store down and rightfully so - selling snake oil that didn't make some guys wee-wee perform for the missus. Fer shame - so now we burn your house down.
Americans only smile - shrug their shoulders and spend more on the next pretty bottle of dreams. Bin Laden, Terrorists, Evil doers everywhere... you are put on notice:
The American Consumer this way comes.