Sunday, March 12, 2006

Education - BooHiss! (Part 2)

[Tags: God, Education, pledge, socialism, tolerance,

(Continued from BooHiss! (Part 1)

Tenure – this is the worst idea ever. Because a teacher has taught in a school for a certain amount of years, they will continue to do so, whether or not they do good or bad. No other job has this type of benefit. Even in the military or government service, a person can be removed easier than removing a tenured teacher. While teachers should not longer be tenured, nor should their pay be so low. Good teachers should be reviewed twice yearly and be tested for competence in their field of study – after all, they are supposed to know what it is they are teaching! Good performance should benefit a higher pay raise and bonus, bad performance a low raise and no bonus. Every job everywhere has this structure – why not education?


Zero tolerance - Which makes zero sense. This policy is put in place to avoid accountability by administrators and educators from having to make decisions, and to remove liability of the school in situations where they may be held liable. This is the cowards way out. For example, small children (ages between 6 and 10) are being expelled from school because mommy put a plastic butter knife in with the kids lunch. Zero tolerance says that a “knife” of any kind is a weapon and therefore the child must be expelled. That's idiotic. Why are we not holding the schools administrators liable to make decisions based upon findings and facts? Isn't that why they are there? If they are not running the school and making decisions why is there a need for administrators? Zero tolerance also teaches kids the wrong thing – that there is no flexibility in decisions and in effect there is “intolerance”. Not something kids should be learning at school.

The Spending “black hole” - Which has a direct line to your property taxes. Did your taxes go up this year? If they did, be sure that some of that money was earmarked for education, whether or not you still have kids in school or not. Want to home school? Sorry – taxes are the same thank you very much. Want to send your kid to private school because your school system sucks? Taxes still come out. The 'black hole” is nothing more than pocketed spending that is then “creatively” massaged by your local government and spent elsewhere. Someone's getting rich off your taxes and little is being put directly into your schools (though I'm sure there are exceptions to this). Using my state as an example, spending is at an all time high, student's testing results are at an all time low. You figure it out.


Colleges are the indoctrination of Socialism of America - Overall there are any studies that show the overwhelming majority of college administrators and professors are liberals. Many who have made the news of late are ṻber liberals or what I will call, Socialists. These “professors” don't really want to provide a higher caliber of learning and thought processes to your student; they want to provide them a basis of distrust and hate of America's way of life by continually pounding away at them, day after day, with constant dissent and anti-American fervor. Jay Bennish was child's play compared to what kids hear in Colleges and Universities around America. They come out with degrees in all sorts of fields yet don't have a grasp in reality, how those things work. They of course are demanding $50K to $60K a year, but cannot function in a company (who by the way is an evil capitalist junta), but sure as shit know how to plan a rally and knows what card stock to buy for large signs that say “No War for Oil”. That they can do in spades. Then I get to the REASON why corporations are going off shore for their job placement. Could it be that College educated kids just are too stupid with their degree to function in a corporation? Could it be that the demand of $60k a year for incompetence strikes corporations as a bad move, and why not get a smart “hit the ground running” Masters Degree holder in India, who will do a bang up job for $30k, as an alternative? I'm no economics genius, but it doesn't sound like the America-hating brain-washed socialist College grad has a chance. How about Colleges sticking to the curriculum instead of filling kids heads with nonsense?

I've come to ursurp the zionists and have sex with smart white women!

The Yale story with our own Taliban student has been well publicized and covered by the MSM so I won't go all into that, other than to say, it's par for the course in American higher education. This is no surprise, and had Uday and Osay lived and were they not charged with Crimes Against Humanity like their father, they'd be teaching Middle East studies at one of our Ivy League schools today and little silver spoon junior would be eagerly signing up for office time at the bulletin board.

The utterance of “God” in schools - This is NOT a crime folks. People bring in their lives and homes to schools all the time. Your kid doesn't want to say the Pledge of Allegiance – don't stand up and do it. Don't want to say “God” then no ones making you. Your kid feels left out because of it – that's the price you pay for sticking up for your beliefs. Sorry. Nothing in life is free and having convictions your willing to stand by sometimes takes a little courage. Stop whining and pushing your BS on the rest of us. They certainly don't like it when the “bible thumpers” try to convert them, so why are they trying to convert people who actually believe in “God” - isn't that also hypocritical?

The time has come for America's Educational quid pro quo to end. It's time someone stands up and takes on the Unions and sets the stage for future generations of Americans to be fully educated about their history, about Math and Science and Language. This includes prep-test classes and "cheat classes" designed to teach kids how to take exams and NOT how to actually understand the material they SHOULD be being taught in the first place! What we do get are kids who know hot to test well, but ones who really don't understand the material at all. What we are left with is an educational system that drives taxes up and we the taxpayers get nothing in return as a society. Who looses? The citizens and their kids. The winners are the unions and those within the local and state governments who constantly get MORE money and produce LESS results. If ANYTHING in America needs a social run program it's Education. The Dept. of Education is castrated and ineffective as well as lazy. State and local school districts are corrupt and could care less about raising the bar of learning for kids coming through the system. This lackluster dysfunction trickles down into society as a whole where more jobs are outsourced overseas while disenfranchised youth think America sucks because they can't get a job. It's a full vicious circle that needs to be corrected.

So, who wants the job?

Friday, March 10, 2006

Friday Cartoon

Education - BooHiss! (Part 1)

[Tags: teaching, Education, corruption, socialist, dysfunction,

If Education in this country is looked at with a critical eye, one that is as critical as say, the pundits of politics in America, many things come to the surface as dysfunctional and gangrenous. The short list includes:

- The Jay Bennish's of the world with captive audiences (teenagers) who cannot provide resistance to his ideas since they basically know nothing about it.
- The multitude of female teachers who, over the past few years, seem to have a taste for prepubescent boys.
- The absence and resistance to school vouchering, which would identify good and bad schools and actually provide competition between school systems and teachers
- The lackluster High School testing results which place much of the United States youth, who are the riches and fattest youth in the world, behind some 3rd world countries who have little money and stand in line for food at their local shops. (America is below the Top 20 overall in the world, in test scores)
- The inability of schools to remove tenured teachers, due to the inexplicably strong teachers union
- The stupidity of schools applying “zero tolerance” policies which take the responsibility of school administration out of all conflicts and teach children inflexibility
- The “black hole” of education spending and the political spin this always incurs
- The overwhelming liberal slant of America's colleges who employ teachers who would be more at home in a protest line than in a college classroom
- The anti-Americanism of some colleges, such as Yale, who will allow Sayed Rahmatullah Hashemi, the Deputy Foreign Secretary of the Taliban, not just as a student to Yale, but also allows him on campus – while demanding and revoking America's own ROTC from it's campus
- Taking the issue of uttering the name “God”, during the pledge of allegiance in some elementary schools, and taking that issue all the way to the United States Supreme Court

Jay Bennish -
While the blogsphere has certainly split down political party lines on this one, the fact remains that Mr. Bennish is a Geography teacher, not a civics or PolySci teacher in a High School. The 20 minute dissertation he gave on the evils of America and his own spin on the State of the Union address, recently given by Bush, was not only “the wrong place at the wrong time” but inappropriate for his class. Secondly, he's a hypocrite for providing only one side of the story – yet at the end, stating that everyone should make up their own mind. I wonder why he didn't provide another 20 minutes on the “opposite” side of the story? Could it be that he really DOESN'T want his students making up their own minds and simply wants to load them up with one side so they agree with him? He was wrong and the content and delivery of his 20 minute rant was inappropriate and he should be canned. Period.

MJ hates little girls!

Prepubescent boy toys – It's a sickness and I don't know where it comes from, but I guess some of these women teachers just can't handle grown up men in the sack and need to go to hairless boys for their sexual fantasies. I'm sure the 12 year old boys won't whine too much with hot sex from young and alluring Miss Bambie Nympho. This puts a dent into the whole “bigger is better” penis theory though doesn't it.

School vouchers – The reason this issue has so many controversy legs is because allowing vouchering will demand an entire overhaul in our educational system, and the union and people getting rich off the current method just cannot have that occur. Every year, Educational systems get thrown more money, yet the quality of education goes down and down. Kids are stupider now than 20 or 30 years ago and it's not because of a genetic flaw,it's that the system sucks. Here's the solution:

- Remove the Teachers Unions, as they are no longer needed or effective
- Remove the “tenure” issue and put competition back into teaching
- Overhaul the educational system and allow vouchers to separate the good and bad school is increase money to good schools, decrease money on bad schools and run the bad ones out of business.
- Require schools to follow a uniform dress code which will slightly modify the overwhelming individualism at the early grades.
- Ditch all of the “zero tolerance” policies and make the administrators work for their paycheck, know the students and intervene when necessary.
- Incorporate a standardized curriculum which can be added to by school states, but nothing can be removed.
- Remove all “quotas” for entry into colleges – it's stupid and demoralizing
- Fund all students who cannot pay for higher education – no students should be turned away from colleges who meet a minimum GPA just because their parents cannot pay or the student didn't get a scholarship. This could be a government loan or grant, which would need to be expanded with all the money saved from the “black hole” of educational funding.
- Religion, location, race and ethnicity and economic factors no longer play a role.

Testing Results by school should be tied to their funding. If the teachers in that school are not reaching the kids and the kids testing is bad – it's up to the school's individually to rectify the problem, strategize a solution and implement it. After school tutoring, mandatory help, summer school and advanced studies should be offered at all schools. Note: It is a testament to the dysfunction of American Education that our students at the High School level learn much less than poor 3rd world countries. The fallacy of “more money = better education” obviously is false.

Next entry: Part 2 of my ongoing rant against Un-Education

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Consquences bitter pill

[Tags: shooting, IHOP, SUV, pot, WaPo,

Yes, the associated link to the WaPo editorial is identified as "Senseless Death in Virginia" - yet, it seems it's all the Police/Security Guards fault? It's all very tragic and my thorazine supplies are low (kidding - they're not low at all).

After reading the editorial, it seems these teens thought to pull a fast one after a bender,and skip on a restaurant bill. No biggie right? I mean, it's a common college prank - except that this time, they had an off-duty cop who moolights as an armed guard there. According to that guard, the teens were in an SUV and apparently the SUV was pointed straight at him and closing fast. According to Virginia law, police can in fact fire at a moving vehicle if that police officer feels their life is in danger by said vehicle. So that's exactly what happened.

Duhh...drunk and stoned no good? Duhhh... Me like pancake!

Now the driver of that SUV (see idiot picture above) was:
a.) intoxicated
b.) full of weed (the mary-jane buding kind)

And as such, was arrested after the shooting. Now the kid who was with that driver got shot by the cop/guard and was killed. WaPo puts that cop/guard on trial in their little poison editorial asking poignant questions about the bullet holes being in the side of the vehicle.

It is a bitter pill to find out actions have consequences isn't it? Yes a harmless prank on the restaurant turned into a fatal shooting. A gung ho cop/guard felt threatened by a 2-ton SUV barreling down on him (the nerve!) and felt he had to fire at it. Reasonable? Sure it is.

Could it be that the poor victim-teens in this case, shouldn't have been loaded and stoned on grass and probably shouldn't have skipped out on the bill? Ya think? Is it reasonable to think you'll need to pay for a meal if you go to a restaurant? This is no more harsh of a lesson than happens every day to not-so-smart and inexperienced youth, that life has consequences. Making a wrong choices certainly does put a damper on the day - especially when the cop/guard is a good shot.

To quote Chris Rock, "People tell ya life is short. No it's not. Life is long. Especially when you make the wrong decisions." Well, in this case, Chris is wrong. Seems these dorks made the wrong decisions and life still got short on 'em.

Call me callus and mean-spirited, but I'm hoping the judge slaps a very high fine and a 2 or 3 year probation on the driver, and wouldn't it be interesting if a separate jury (post-humus) for the dead kid (Mr. Brown) occurred and the judge fined his parents (of course, after the funeral) for not using very good judgement, being drunk and stoned and then skipping out on the bill. Now that would be a wake up call from hell wouldn't it!

Who would think a kid who by the editorials own account had this kind of past: "Mr. Brown -- a college student, an Eagle Scout, a guitar player -- had no criminal record."

In a separate news article from WaPo, the driver had this to say: "Smith, dressed in jeans, a leather jacket and scruffy white sneakers, said he is overwhelmed at the loss of his friend. "He was a great kid," Smith said. "He will be missed more than anyone who has ever died on me before."

SO THIS ISN'T THE FIRST PERSON WHO DIED ON HIM!?? Something's rotten with that statement right there.

But a GUITAR PLAYER - they NEVER go get drunk, smoke pot and skip out on meals. So I'm not buying it. String that cop up by his short and curlies by gum! Isn't getting drunk and stoned on weed and skipping out on breakfast covered under the 11th Amendment or something? No? Someone alert the ACLU already... jeeze.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Lucy's a Terrorist?

[Tags: Peanuts, terrorism, PETA, wierdo, ELF,

It seems that Pamelyn Ferdin, a cute kid actress from the 1970's (you may remember her from Disney movies and some TV stuff if you're that old) is now heading up a terrorist organization. Yep, that's right, the voice of Lucy from Peanuts... this cute little kid

Pamelyn Ferdin the president of NJ chapter of (SHAC) Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty, who had 4 members charged with Animal Enterprise Terrorism (the first enacted since the law became law in 1992) as well as multiple counts of Interstate Stalking and Conspiracy to commit Interstate Stalking as well as Telephone Harassment (and everyone thought the Phone police was another one of those urban myths!)

Apparently, the group, "...used its Web site to incite violence against people and institutions it claimed were affiliated with the animal testing lab."

More from the CNN article: "Ferdin, who also played Felix Unger's daughter Edna on "The Odd Couple" TV comedy series, told jurors, "For the government to say you can't say this and you can't say that is going down a very scary path of going toward fascism."

I love it - people are facists because they are held accountable for harassing, stalking and intimidating others to do their bidding, and when they don't do your bidding, you get arrested and claim your harassment and stalking is covered by the 1st Amendment.

Ferdin took over the (SHAC) group in 2004 when it's prior leader, Kevin Kjonaas, was indicted by another jury. The same Kevin Kjonaas who's quoted saying:

"If a car being blown up in a driveway or animals being liberated from a lab scares them, then I would say that fear pales by comparison to the fear that the animals have every day. The kind of true violence that these animals endure at the hands of people at Huntingdon leaves me with little sympathy."

More about Eco-Terrorism and Eco-Terrorists in the U.S.

Good thing I'm not the judge... I'd put them away for 1 year, hard labor, and only chickenfingers and water. All I really have to say is....


Why America (apparently) Sucks

[Tags: Teacher, Bennish, education, mp3, pinko,

We fail because our educational system is brain-washing our children. The teachers unions are still the strongest unions in the US - lets face it, getting a bad teacher out of a school or preventing them from providing not only detrimental information, lies, opinions, etc., is next to impossible. In my H.S. a band teacher was caught (on film) fondeling the young girls in the Silks and Color Guard, not once, not twice but three times. He was finally charged criminally and was put "on leave" from the school with full pay and benefits until he was ultimately asked to "retire".

Found on Little Green Footballs - this Geography teacher seem to be teaching civics and the new liberal history. Is Geography the same as History now? Granted it's been a while since I've been in school - but this guy should not only be removed from teaching, he should be banned from teaching anything, anywhere.

Geography Teacher from Overland High School in Colorado, Jay Bennish

Let's summarize - Bush isn't Hitler, but he's close. Israel exists because America needed an ally, Mexico will again go to war with America, Israel are the real terrorists - not the Palestinans, America kills innocent people on purpose, anyone in the CIA who "thinks like that", DOES want to kill innocent people, our flag represents the same thing as the Nazi flag or the Confederate flag depending on your perspective. Thank God for this kid finally having enough and recording the entire tirade for everyone to hear. At least the kid is asking educated questions and hasn't been brainwashed yet - it may however, only be a matter of time.

From the Denver Post:

"In the 20-minute recording, made on an MP3 player, teacher Jay Bennish described capitalism as a system "at odds with human rights." He also said there were "eerie similarities" between what Bush said during his Jan. 28 State of the Union address and "things that Adolf Hitler used to say."

The United States was "probably the single most violent nation on planet Earth," Bennish also said on the tape.

Bennish was placed on leave "to take some of the pressure off of him" during the investigation, which could wrap up in a week, Amole said.

Superintendent Monte Moses, who received a copy of the recording on Monday from 850 KOA-AM radio show host Mike Rosen, said it appears "a breach of district policy" occurred."

And this has what to do with Geography? All the little kool-aide drinkers in training are getting a great education. They can't read, write or add and subtract, but they sure as HELL know that the Republicans and our Government lie and are warmongering killers. Our government makes more weapons, kills more people than any other one! Yay! Let's just invite Castro and dig up the old bones of Lenin and have big 'ol ticker tape parade down through Manhattan, give them the key's to the city, erect a statue in their honor and start calling each other "comrade". Who's bringing the Vodka?

The funny part was when this teacher starts banging on capitalism and how money is the root of all evil. Got news for you ass hat - in every country in the world, money rules. There are have's and have not's everywhere, in every country, in every burgh, in every town and village. What mushroom does this guy live under and how the hell did this guy get to teach children? Search his home - it will be full of kiddie porn he uses when he gets himself in froth about Condi.

Another Opinion

And another

And yet another

Here, in my own state (not suprising, BTW) in Parsippany, NJ they are having a mock trial putting our President on trial. Here's a quote from from Morris County NJ:

"President Bush is being tried for "crimes against civilian populations" and "inhumane treatment of prisoners" at Parsippany High School, with students arguing both sides before a five-teacher "international court of justice." The panel's verdict could come as soon as Friday."

And then like, I said Bush like, you know, sucks

While not a very objectionable thing to have - mock trials have been going on in school rooms for a long time, and usually do represent the "hot button" issues in society - but what makes this very interesting when coupled with Mr. Communist PBS boy from Overland H.S., is that THIS, is exactly why people want to home school their kids. Children aren't learning what they need in their lives any longer - they are getting brainwashing sessions from either left OR right wing fanatics, and it just shouldn't be there. They are getting this type of learning from grade school with the ultimate "cherry" on the sundae being Liberal Colleges all across America.

The question, "Why are all of our soldiers under-educated?" The answer is argueably because the educated people are not very educated, but they are brain-washed. Fostering the distrust and negativity from a young age through high school and then topping it off in College - gee... I wonder why in 50 years, America will be invaded by Jamaica - the reason is, no one will be willing to defend what they have, nor their rights. This is typical of what children are learning in schools, and this dork of a teacher, who I hope is at least removed from ever teaching again, would be HAILED as a GENIUS at any Ivy League schools or State Universities. I wouldn't be suprised if Overland H.S. makes a class called "How to hate your country and Government" and gives him a raise!