Thursday, January 26, 2006

Howard Dean: How lucky are we?

[Tags: Howard Dean, Couric, ABC, DNC, Democrat,

Good Morning and Eff you America!

You know, I watched Howard Dean this morning speak briefly with Katie Couric on Good Morning America (Not that I bother usually) but in between my coffee and my morning constitutional I was flipping through the channels and happened hear Katie say Dean was coming on. So I endure some comercials for the interest in hearing if Dean will say something interesting and poignant or something stupid.

While the interview was going on, I had to admit, his words were doing what they were supposed to - tow the party line. He carefully skirted the question about Hillary's use of "Plantation" with the House of Representatives by saying Newt Gingrich said it first (though admittedly, not on MLK day... in Harlem... in a Black Church... on Camera) then made sure he mentioned how if the Dem's got back into power how everyone and everything would be much better. He then mentioned that the Democrats were very strong on Security and Border Control, as well as a national Health Care system (i.e. Social medicine), the War on Terror etc... basically he stole the cheat sheet from Karl Rove and put the left spin on it. He again carefully skirted the poll that showed a majority of the people who were polled and voted would NOT vote for Hillary for President, which he quipped Hillary was more worried about her Senate seat in NY than the Presidency. Then it happened. Dean outright lied.

Jack Nicholson's got nothing on you Howie

It's relatively easy to read Dean's face... he's like an intense horse. Lips quiverying, nervous ticks, droning voice. It's unmistakable. Just looking at him right as he's formulating the outburst to come, anticipating, urgent look on his face, cheeks getting read, eyes widening. I was so flippin' glad he didn't win the Democratic primary in 2004. This guy would have been a disaster of proportions unknown in modern political history. Firstly, I would doubt he'd make it through his first term let alone get in for a second. I can say, Thank God Kerry won the primary and Dean let out that awful "yeaaaaaahhhhhh!" that sunk him quicker than a sponge.

Dean said no Democrat took "one cent from Abrahmoff... not one cent" was the quote, and you know, technically he right. While Abrahmoff didn't directly give the Democrats the money, it went through a third party or into a PAC or other funding organization before it got to the Democrats in question. So, technically Dean is correct - Abrahmoff didn't physically hand them the money in a small manilla envelope while wearing a fedora and trench coat -- however, the source was Abrahmoff.

Using that logic - a TV I buy on 73rd and Lexington off the back of a panel truck from a guy named Mickey, isn't REALLY recieving stolen goods because Mickey didn't steal it... his BROTHER Joey stole it, so ipso-facto, I'm innocent and should be free as a boid. Were it only that simple.

Howz I suppost to know TV's don't cost $10?

Yet, Democrats, Blogs, even the politically savvy little dudette at work tows that mantra - NO DEMOCRAT TOOK ONE CENT FROM ABRAHMOFF! Suddenly everyone's an expert in the law right? Nah, nothing that dramatic - they are just parroting what they hear like a good doobie. The truth is much harder to face, and the true blue Democrats won't give an inch and cannot even admit their shoes are untied if the Republicans can say anything about it. How truly insane. Did Bush divide the country? No, though he was blamed for it. As a matter of fact, Bush is akin to Santa Claus in this country. He's everywhere, all the time, doing bad things every hour of the day, every week of every year since 2000. He knows everything (like that the hijackers of the planes that hit the WTC on 9/11 weren't after him at the Florida grade school). He knew it... dunno how but he did. He knew before he took office that he was going to invade Iraq - he knew that the U.N. and all the Senators and Representatives would back him - he knew how to manipulate documents, secret information, even intelligence from OTHER COUNTRIES. He had an elaborate scheme to pay off informants in Austrialia and England about the infamous Niger "Yellow Cake". He very schrewdly put together Iraq with the terrorists. During the re-election he had a square box on his back where supposedly he was getting direction on what to do during the debates.

Then we understand that it's Cheney, Rumsfeld and Kove who are actually running the White House. Bush is just a pawn for the real evil - which is running this country into Iraq to get the oil, to richen themselves on Halliburton stock, to get kickbacks from defense contractors. To right the wrong that Saddam did to Daddy!

Those believers are very interesting in their contradictions. Bush is stupid - but he's blamed for everything. Cheney and Kove are pulling Bush's strings - yet all indications are Bush makes his own decisions.

So what's the alternative... all I can say is still... thank God it wasn't Dean.


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