Jill Carroll: Update #1
[Tags: Iraq, Abduction, kidnapped, terrorist, News,
Jill Carroll]
Well, it's now been 21 days since the abduction of Jill Carroll by the Revenge Brigade in Iraq. Nothing has been heard from the group and they have made no new demands. However, UPI wrote a piece (I won't say of what) which can be found at this link
Something interesting is the inference (no proof mind you) that the U.S. troops, while looking for terrorists and insurgents, commonly take women from these homes, jail them and abuse them, in hopes to flush out the insurgent men. The Bush haters would believe that in a New York second and nod like a Mets bobble-head in July. I digress...
Thomas Houlahan from UPI states:
" If Jill Carroll is still alive, her captors would do well to assess the situation objectively.
Obviously, killing this reporter -- especially this reporter -- would make no sense from the standpoint of either principle or practicality."
Since when have terrorists assessed killing innocent people objectively? Terrorists make sense? They're PRACTICAL?? In what friggin' way? I guess if you count that they calmly assess how to slit a throat, or practically think about the angle at which they will hold the gun and blow the brains out of another person - I guess Tommy-Boy is correct...
"Right now, the Revenge Brigade, or the Vengeance Brigade, has made its point. Let's face it, the world knows a lot more about the treatment of suspected insurgents, especially female insurgents, than it did last month."
Now we're learning a valuable lesson from the Vengeance Brigade apparently. Terrorists have taught us a very good moral it seems. See, us dumb Westerners obviously know NOTHING about female prisoners (it's because the West apparently doesn't have females you see) prior to them abducting Jill Carroll. Shall we send them a thank you card with some candy maybe? Maybe Tom Houlahan will invite some of them over to a family barbacue and have a good conversation of some grilled peppers and hummus on the value of disembowling innocent people on video tape, and how it teaches the world a lesson.
"If Jill Carroll is killed, it goes without saying that they will lose any hope of ever gaining sympathy for their cause from Americans. They will also be denounced by Muslims worldwide for killing an innocent woman. In short, they will have handed their enemies a huge propaganda victory."
What kind of masochistic garbage is this? They wish to gain sympathy for their cause by killing a defenseless girl. They will be denounced by Muslims for killing an innocent woman - I don't think that's the case at all. The Muslim world didn't denounce anyone when 3000+ innocent women and men were killed on 9/11. As a matter of fact, Muslims around the world danced in the streets, children were given sweets and adults laughed and drank tea while happily grinning about the mass killing.
Actual pictures of Palestinian children during 9/11 attacks
Palestinian woman recieves free sweets and praises Allah during 9/11 attacks
See the difference between the Middle East and the United States?
Really? Muslims will denounce it? And is that all they will be handing over to their enemies - is a propaganda victory? I guess one life in the world really doesn't matter anymore, especially to Thomas Houlahan - she's not a thinking breathing soul who feels and loves and has emotions - no no. She's a "propaganda victory". I'm sure if Jill is still alive and one can only hope one day reads Tom's little turd of an op-ed piece here, she'll thank him for NOT just being a propaganda pawn, but an actual person.
I wish that I could celebrate the death of thousands of Palestinians and laugh, eat and do the jig while their people die horrible deaths - but I can't because my belief isn't to celebrate the death of anyone. These are the people we're fighting. These are the people who hate in the name of Allah. My anger on this blog would jeopardize my soul, so I will stop right here with more on these pictures.
On a suprising note, the Muslim News out of the UK has a piece on Jill Carroll that's much better written and has a much more insightful view of Jill as actually being a flesh and blood person and not just a political pawn. I would urge anyone interested to read this article - it's good.
The Muslim News: Jill Carroll and Arab hypocrisy
Can you prove that these pictures were from 9/11? The footage of celebrations in Palestine that was aired on 9/11 on the news later proved to be ten year old footage! The footage was shown out of context. Tehran had a candlelight vigil for the victims of 9/11 in the following weeks, not celebrations.
And, given that the United States pays for the weapons used against the Palestinians every day, I can not possibly ask for them to mourn an American tragedy anymore than we would mourn an Iraqi tragedy right now.
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