Six habits of un... wha?
[Tags: Weblog, blog, Right Wing News, Snob, Politics,
I've just had an interesting read over at the Right Wing News Blog. It contains a touch of elitism, a pinch of snobbery and a big who cares from moi.
Can you say "dork"? Good!
The post in question, other than being annoying has a big assumption - that everyone with a blog wants to be "big". I couldn't care less if I "never take off". What if I don't want to be different? Not enough content? Sorry dude - I have a life and some of that life is away from the computer. When I pimp myself out and start trying to be like the "big blogs" with tons of content, please, put a .45 to my head and squeeze the trigger? My little blog here won't ever threaten RWN, or KoS of Malkin and you know what - no one really cares. I don't really care much about the RWN either - they have some good posts once in a while but I don't click on their stupid advertisements, I rarely post a comment and I really don't give a squat about getting big in the blogsphere. I don't want mail, (or hate mail) I don't like over the top comments dripping with rhetoric - patooie! Here's a tip for RWN: Get out of the house and do something with your life, loosers. Turn off the monitor and step away from the computer - stop wanking off, get a girlfriend or a second job for crying out loud. Like sucessful blogging is some "superior task"...I'll post what I want, when I want, and as much or little as I want Mr. John Hawkins (whoever the hell you are. What a pompus ass!). I blog for myself - if other people want to read it great - if not, just as great. Geeze, now I have to get lectured about why I suck... nice.
Sucessful bloggers on a rare day out
RWN has updated their post with the following:
"*** Update #1 *** Just to clear something up.
A few bloggers in the comments section seemed to be a bit offended by this piece, mainly because they say their goal really isn't to get traffic. Well, they shouldn't be offended, because this is a post aimed at the vast majority of bloggers who want to build an audience. If you're one of the rare breed of bloggers who couldn't care less whether 5 or 5000 people read your blog, then don't sweat it, because this piece isn't meant for you. If you enjoy blogging for therapeutic reasons, to pass the time, for a close circle of friends, etc, etc, have a good time and feel free to completely ignore this post."
This self-effacing blogger wishes to thank RWN for the update. No hard feelings.
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