Moore BS on Stern
[Tags: movies, documentary, Sicko, Moore, Howard Stern,

"Is my brown nose showing? Do you smell the monkey ass like I do?"
So I'm listening to Stern this morning (6/18/07) and he's got Jimmy Fallon and Michael Moore on. I've got Sirius in my car and a 1-2 hour drive in the morning so it's not too surprising eh? Anyway, I tune in just between Fallon and Moore - listen to a few incredibly lame phony phone calls about witches or something, and then Moore comes and and Stern starts giving him oral pleasure right there in the studio. Well, not really... not LITERALLY oral pleasure, but Stern's insanely huge schnoz was brown and smelled like the monkey cage at the zoo so you do the math. Apparently, Moore's next accumulatively creative and fictional take on a non-fiction documentary is soon to come out about America's health care system and also apparently, Moore is simply a misunderstood patriot, regular working stiff trying to do good for the country he loves. If there wasn't so much traffic this morning, I'd have pulled over and hurled my technicolor breakfast all over the Garden State Parkway.
Firstly, Stern who's reputation is as a fairly cutting edge rebel who pulls no punches was, this morning, giving Moore a hot oil massage, wishing for a happy ending and throwing so many watermelon sized softball questions at Moore that it sounded scripted. "I can't understand how people could be against this," cries Stern, when talking about a universal health care system. You see, Moore says this isn't an issue about politics, it's about people in need. Moore explains: ...And shouldn't your son, if he needed a new heart get one? Well, in todays system if you don't have health insurance like millions of people, you're son will die if you don't have health insurance so doesn't it make sense that your son, if he had a need of a new heart, get one for free? First of all... what the hell in life is free again? There ain't nothing free pal. Maybe Moore forgot that being a celebrity and staunchly supported by the elite masses in Europe, he doesn't have to pay. A point that he may have lost sight of his "working stiff" upbringing in Flint Michigan. (Note: That last passage was chock FULL of sarcasm.) Secondly, making the manipulative master of the incongruous "cut and fade" editing room out to be some patriot and saint of the United States who just wants to help people is an out and out lie in itself. Stern can kiss my lily white ass with that garbage - what... lesbian's doing each other with bowling balls while getting spanked by drunk midgets in clown costumes getting old Howie? I guess Stern's followers are so brain dead and burnt out that the obvious push to get supporters for Moore who shares Stern's dislike for the neo-con Bush administration was just too much - therefore, he needs to inject some of his own blatant propaganda and play patty-cake with Moore while making Moore out to be the flag waving Robin Hood of Flint Michigan's working stiffs.
So here's a short synopsis of Moore's work:
*Roger and Me poked some fun and a shitty stick at Corporate American fat cats. Sure... everyone loves to hate the big guys. Right on brotha!
*Stupid White men takes on race, and how the black man is kept down by whitey. Uhh... hey, didn't the Emancipation Proclamation change all that?
*Bowling for Columbine took on the NRA and gun nuts - anyone who has a gun is someone to be feared. Hell, they're probably planning on shooting your stupid ass right now!
*Fahrenheit 9/11 said it was all Bush's fault. Gee, wonder where the Socialist rabid left-wingers got their mantra for the past 7 years?

*"Sicko" will now take on the Health care industry because, well, we should all be socialists and everyone should have free health care dammit. Even those damn soldiers Moore took illegally to Cuba. Yeah, even them.
Is this the same U.S. patriot Michael Moore who said:
''We Americans suffer from an enforced ignorance. We don't know about anything that's happening outside our country. Our stupidity is embarrassing."
"They (Americans) are possibly the dumbest people on the planet."
"We like nonfiction and we live in fictitious times. We live in a time where we have fictitious election results, that elect a fictitious president. We live in a time where we have a man sending us to war for fictitious reasons."
Yes, and we watch fictitious manipulated dialog and interviews from dishonest and manipulative people like you Mikey. These quotes have quite a little following and show a little bit of depth into what Moore is really all about. Let's take the first one: "...possibly the dumbest people on the planet." Given that, why else would Mikey make more movies and make millions - where else but the land of the "stupidest people on the planet" who will pay their hard earned flag waving cash to prove their stupidity, one ticket at a time. The irony is thick and drippy. Then we get to the second quote: "We don't know anything that's happening outside our country. Our stupidity is embarrassing." Again with the stupidity - Moore is banking on people being stupid - how else could he so easily make his money off of interesting editing and manipulation. He's betting his fame and fortune on providing what he believes in his egotistical self-righteous and elitist mind is "dog food for the idiotic masses"; and of course, those "stupid people" just lap it up, Pavlovian style. I have to give Mikey some credit - he knows his audience and plays to it like a master. The third quote is where he lays out some of his own personal agenda - you see Bush muscled in on his territory. No one should be playing to the sheep but him and Moore's making hundreds of millions of what he calls, "fuck you money." Bush? I'm sure Moore would paint his Farenhype 9/11 bullshit with the brush strokes of a master and playing to the conspiracy theory nut-jobs that exist all over the world, paint a dozen or so dots of happenings, a few unexplained issues, a few murders, some shady dealings, oil money and a war and whaaaala! A movie about nothing - Seinfeld would be proud I tell you!

His books and movies aren't about being a patriot - it's about showing what Moore's hate about Capitalism, about Democracy, and about Freedom; in short his utter contempt and dislike of a Nation that provides him the freedom to bash it, and pays him well for doing so. He'd much rather have some Stalin and Mao with a pinch of Chomsky and maybe to turn it up a notch, a BAM! BAM! of Marx. Moore doesn't show the hope, the bright light at the end of the tunnel or the dream of a better world - he bashes in hopes of turning minds to his way of thinking. To detest what this country stands for, what it is, what it was and how to remove it from the earth and change it forever to something, anything else. White people... bad. Wealthy people like a CEO - bad. Guns - bad. Bush - bad. U.S. health care - bad. Yes, playing to Michael's moronic masses takes talent. For people who don't like socialism, who like our Capitalistic methods, who think hard work will equate to a payoff to the American dream and to those who have FOUND that American dream know better. We've been educated right along with the elitist snobs who think they know what's best for you and me while we work and provide for our families and do what we need to do to get by. Are there exception? Do good people get screwed? Sure they do. They get screwed just as often in a Capitalistic Democracy as they do in a Socialistic Democracy or a Communist Dictatorship. Each system may SAY they're better but they're not; all contain the "haves" and the "have nots". I don't like Socialism because I don't want to pay for some lazy shit hole like Moore who's not ambitious and who needs a heart transplant because he wasted 30 years on a couch eating Doritos and yanking his wanker. Nor do I feel the need to pay for some deadbeat dirt bag who beats his kids and his wife after shooting up, but needs to get HIV drugs and the guy hasn't had a job in 12 years. Yeah, he deserves a break by me and a few million other hard working authentic "regular guys" (even some from Moore's cherished but not quite honest home town of Flint Michigan) to pay for that scum. Moore believes we should also be offering free health care to the illegals who walk across our border as well. Well... how about we just invite the whole friggin' world to Mikey's house and he pays for all of us... how about that? He's got the dough. Maybe Mikey wouldn't mind parting with his hundreds of millions in a distribution of wealth a la Chomsky, who owns 2 very very nice homes in a 98% primarily white neighborhood of other wealthy people from Massachusetts. Give me a break.
"There's a gullible side to the American people. They can be easily misled. Religion is the best device used to mislead them."
That's right Mikey - show them how gullible they can be and entice them to yet again go on the magic carpet ride of bullshit and watch another 100 minutes of your kool-aide garbage under the guise of a "documentary". You're scum, you've always been scum and you'll continue to be scum. I'll be glad when you keel over in a bowl of dip or have a coronary on the shitter and they find your fat sweaty carcass take pictures and let the 12 year old Photoshop wizards have at your memory. I'll drink to another rich, dumb elitist's early demise and know that there really is a bit of karma left in the world. Do yourselves a favor people and be a critical of Mr. Moore's bullshit as you are of everything else. Moore lies and manipulates more than most and makes a living on it - as with Bowling for Columbine he misrepresents the truth with lies (seems that's mentioned in the Bible in a few places with some guy named Satan) and then tries to get has-been radio jocks who've gotten his 500 million dollar pay day to take it easy on him because they now share a hate ideology. (The enemy of my enemy is my friend syndrome). Don't believe the hype or the claptrap Moore tries to put out there - he's no patriot. He's no working stiff. He's not from Flint Michigan, and he's not looking out for your welfare or the soldiers welfare - but his own fat, white, elitist ass. Remember that.

Oh and Howard? Yeah - time to hang up the headphones dude. You now suck and stink the place up way too much and way to often. Go out and find a hard drinking midget who doesn't mind playing anal ring toss and can throw luncheon meat. Make the show a little interesting again will ya?