Saturday, November 20, 2004


A wonderful thing happened today. I heard on CNN Headline news the following:

"The Netherlands spokesman said that we (the Dutch) have been tolerant of intolerant people for too long..."

This was in response to the November 2nd 2004 killing of Theo Van Gogh. His documentary film titled "Submission" which depicted the violence against Islamic women, was shown on Dutch TV. In response to that showing Van Gogh (who is related to the famous painter Vincent Van Gogh) received death threats. He was shot by a 26 year old Dutch-Moroccan man and subsequently died.

The BBC Van Gogh Article

In response Dutch immigration seems to have no problem expelling fundementalist Muslims from the country. There is also a call country wide, to bounce these hateful people out of the Netherlands. Muslim Threats

As an off-shoot story, the EU minister also said that immigrants should be learning to speak the local languages of Europe and to adopt "European values".
*Shock* ... *Dismay* ... *Outrage*

Oh my. Did you just read that correctly? I almost fell out of my chair after reading that little tidbit. MORE HERE I actually couldn't believe those words came from the Europeans. Are they finally seeing the light here? Can it be that they are finally seeing the threat of these radicals? Those quotes were very un-PC by the way. I'd probably have a coranary if I heard a U.S. politician say something like that. Good lord man! These are the Dutch we're talking about! They've been the easy going surfer dudes of Europe for decades! If THEY'RE getting fed up with them, it must be bad.

Herbert Hoover ran in 1928 on the slogan "A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage". Here's one some of the right wingers can glom onto:

"A bullet in every radical muslim and 'NO NUKES FOR YOU'"

It was all I could come up with on short notice...


Blogger RomanWanderer said...

We need sone of those Dutch in Italy, now that Oriana Fallaci won't be around for much longer

10:19 PM  
Blogger Trufflepig said...

It's a growing EU problem with no easy solution.

11:14 PM  

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