Thursday, November 18, 2004

You're killing baby Jesus

I'm so proud to live in NJ. Only here where a mix of NY attitude and Massachusetts Politics could ban instrumental holiday songs. Yes, you heard right, INSTRUMENTAL holiday songs. It seems the simple melody and counter-melodies which have no conceptual context, offends.

NJ School Bans Songs

While on the other side of the coin, we have the banning of Halloween costumes and some parents fear crime or the snatching of their children by masked marauders posing as candy seekers! Oh goodness! .

Halloween banned in CT!

I'm offended that these idiots are breathing MY air. I'm offended that they have wasted some of my time in my life, which I cannot get back, by making me read, get outraged and now write about absolute stupidity. What I also find a little ironic is that retarded people are usually identified as being "not too smart" due to a physical problem. What are these NJ and CT people's excuse? What planet are they from? (This lends itself to the alien theory). I'm convinced these people have either mental disabilities, are just attention starved, on drugs or are aliens from another planet.


While I feel it is my job to point out idiots who have no common sense, I'd also like to point out something positive today. Yes, this is a first I know and hopefully I can find more things that actually have a POSITIVE outcome, outlook or something like that... there..

Oh yes. Positive. I'd like to point out that while these two schools are run and populated by absolute morons, this attitude and or belief system is NOT very wide spread. I can only say that common sense is not dead (as I may or may not have previously reported) and even during the holidays - people (in general) are not as stupid as I may portray them.

I'd like to also point out that I'm not perfect (no, really) and I make stupid mistakes (like staying at my job way longer than I should) and sometimes drinking strong coffee before going to bed or eating kolbasa & beans before going to the movies. Which is a segway to: "Everything I need to know I learned from Forrest Gump" - which is to say, I could have cut down my typing for this segment and simply given the links with the following quote:

"Stupid is as stupid does."


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