Saturday, December 31, 2005

What 2006 brings...

[Tags: Bloom County, Berkeley, Breathed, Opus, Comic]

What we don't have is Bloom County any longer. Yes Opus is nice and all, but I want the General and Steve Dallas and the sharp political whit and a poem with Caspar Weinberger in it. Hunting liberals, Portnoy and the closet of anxieties.

You just can't get this kind of stuff today - too un-politically correct. Besides it's too smart to be wasted on today's youth.

I know what 2006 won't bring - Bloom County back. Berkeley, we hardly knew ye.

Have a night cap and Happy New Year!

Exxon: "No Soup for You!"

[Tags: Chavez, Exxon, International, News, Oil]

Peek a boo Chavez

Peekaboo! Where did Exxon go?"

Yes, it was quite a nice little racket Baby Huey (Hugo Chavez) had going - strong arm U.S. oil companies (a la Castro) into paying more for Venezuala oil by ultimatum: Pay me more so I can get rich or we will forfeit your claim. So Exxon (one of the only oil company's who had the guts) decided to not play with Hugo Chavez any longer. Exxon sold their 25% and took their marbles home, leave Chavez to ink deals with other companies, where logically, he will need to make much longer and expensive trips to the market. I see this as a win-win. No more having to listen to the rantings of a maniac dictator like Chavez holding cude oil over the heads of Americans and Hugo can take his attitude to the Brits, French and Italians and try out his strong arm tactics on Europe.


Why the Dems will loose in 2006

[Tags: democrat, liberal, politics, 2006, hate]

If nothing else, I enjoy watching the human condition. The easiest thing to do is identify "what's wrong" in a civilization - even children when asked about hitting their fingers with a hammer will know that it's not a good thing.

The Democrats however, seem to lack this basic function. I haven't pinpointed why yet - but it's not obvious as far as I can tell.

To get on topic, the Democrats will loose not due to a "lack" of anything, other than understanding that human condition. Let me take you on a short journey (short being the operative word) which the left is blind to: The real issues facing the United States.

The Democrats in the Congress continue to hammer on Iraq - in my estimation a futile and hazerdous thing. The more they point out "King George-isms" that GW says is protecting Americans, the higher his polls rise, leaving the Democrat strategists scratching their heads and fumbling for their abbacus's. Why is this a mistake you may ask? Because GW's achilles heal isn't Iraq, it's his domestic failures. Sure they're not as sexy and enticing as "Impeachment", "Lies" and "Imperialism" but they have teeth.

Here's my thinking: Moderate and Conservative politicians won't come out and challenge the saftey of America by jumping on the "Impeach Bush" bandwagon. Lieberman showed this and has dropped to the cellar with Green Party and the DNC and characterized in the far left blogsphere as having his nose up GW's hoo-hoo. Most sane and moderate Democrats and Republicans understand that cutting and running from Iraq will disbowel the U.S., as will laxing policy (secret as it may be) on the NSA tapping issue. The more Democrats rail against it, the better GW likes it.

Here's a free tip to the Democrats: Drop the Iraq issue and kick GW where it hurts, namely:

1) Border security
2) Social Security
3) FEMA and Emergency Services
4) FCC and communications
5) Soft-target vulnerabilities
6) Fiscal responsibility
7) Tax cuts and balancing the deficit
8) Trade issues

GW has failed MISERABLY in all 8 of those areas, has provided a feeble if any strategy in 6 years and hasn't been able to force it through Congress, even with a majority in BOTH houses! Now if that doesn't suck, nothing does.

Why then won't the Dems start pounding on these issues? Why can't they start putting together briefs that show Mr. and Mrs. Joe American will be broke with GW's plan by year 20xx. Show things that affect the average American, their childrens future, etc? Granted, those 8 things aren't sexy like a Senate Commission investigating "WMD's", but those 8 things are what the Democrats are GOOD at - they actually have (some) good ideas and a plan that may actually help and that also put the Republicans in the backseat muttering to themselves.

So why don't the Democrats do that?

The answer is because the Democrats are like an Uncle that's addicted to CRACK. They're blinded to these other things, they don't know what's going on around them or what's important. All they know is where's their next crack fix coming from and anything they can do to get that fix is what they focus on. If they have to rob their own mothers to get the money for that fix, it's fine with them. The Democrat hate is now so deep seeded that they would gladly demolish forever anything that got in their way of that hate and it's intended target. The fanatical fringe left would have no problem destroying Democracy in the U.S. if it meant taking GW with them.

I will use another analogy of Golem and his Precious from "Lord of the Rings" - in my analogy, the Democrats represent Golem and GW is Frodo. GW has the Precious (the Presidency) and Golem wants it bad enough to do simply anything to get it. GW is doing all sorts of things with the Precious that just infuriates Golem and the biggest thing: Frodo (GW) is going to Mount Doom to destroy the one-ring (the Precious). Golem bides his time, attacks and then helps Frodo through the entire journey to Mount Doom and at the end, Golem snatches the Precious happily only to slip and fall into the Volcano thusly destroying themselves and the Precious. Ironic actually.

Democrats will continue to fail even after 2006; until they can release their hate and recognize their blindness and start doing their jobs, such as supporting their constituants, recognizing doing what's right is more noble than railing and whining about the past. Democrats need to rebuild their party and stop caring so much about what the Republicans are doing and more about what the Democrats can do to help the country, the people and themselves. However, the far-left fanatics have fully integrated themselves with the Goldwater Democrats and are running the show - blind. They cannot get past their hate and their wounds and are unable to move on - thus, they continue to bring no plan on moving upward and onward, only doom and gloom. While this type of railing is effective to their kool-aid drinker believers, they are alternatively alienating the moderates of both parties and are Satan to the far-right Conservatives. The sweet spot won't be the fringes of either the left or right, but the moderates.

The Democrats in their current form will not convince me ANYTHING the Bush Administration did in Iraq will be worth leaving abruptly. Nothing. It's a dead issue to me - we're there, the run up to invasion was done with the U.N., intelligence for good or ill, was gained and acted upon. We don't leave till the jobs done. If we roast anyone once the jobs done, then great.

What I will support are my 8 things identified above coming from either Dems or Reps. The Dems want suppor that Bush failed on all 8 of those things, I'm in TOTAL agreement. He's been a mess domestically and a total failure with the Republican controlled Congress. Will he be remembered by history about his dismal domestic record and pathetic domestic policies - certainly not. He'll be remember for Iraq and that just has the Left seeing Red. They cannot and will not stand by and let GW get away with what they feel is the biggest heist of America in history.

And that... is why they fail.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Brain Sex

I'm a sucker for internet polls and tests. For some reason I just can't get enough of them - not that I take them very seriously either. Imagine my suprise when I used Firefox Stumble - and found this little test. It takes about 10 minutes, but that's not the suprise.

Well - it seems the women in my life have rubbed off on me to the point this test tells me I think like the average women who take the test. Poop.

Wanna see if you think like a girl too?

Take the BrainSex Test

Friday Political Cartoon

Read more: Daryl Cagles Professional....

Fake? torture blog docs

Blairwatch supposedly has copies of documents showing US and UK authorization of torture. Blairwatch is a blog.

Loaded Mouth Another blog, links to Blairwatch and calls upon all bloggers to copy these "documents" and post them in case Big Brother shuts them down.

The story is carried (originally I would assume?) on another blog called Raw Story.

(It's a slow day today, what can I tell ya...)

So what do all of these sites have in common:
a.) They are all blogs
b.) They are all liberal blogs
c.) They are all carrying these same documents

So let's talk about the documents, and just to be fair, I'll even provide the links to them, since they were most likely created with a few spare minutes during the Christmas holiday on a 12 year olds PC using Adobe Acrobat Pro. These are .pdf documents, not scans, not originals, nothing to prove these documents have either come from, been created by, or had anything to do with the Ukraine, the U.K. or anyone else. I myself, could have created these documents and shipped them off to all sorts of people passing them off as "proof that torture was indeed authorized and the UK and US knew about it" to once again give creedance to the clarion call of "BUSH LIED!" or maybe "TONY KNEW!"


Even the liberal MSM will not pick this story up (and this has been circulating around the blogsphere for almost 3 days now) and won't touch it with a 10 foot poll without cooberating evidence. Why? Because there's too high of a probablity that this is fake, and was made up for political gain by persons unknown.

I dismiss this until there's some copies with fingerprints, a signature, a linkage back into the government or a copy that was pulled from Condi or Tony's email where she comments on it (for example) before I'll even consider this anything other than misinformation of the "creative" kind. You may ask how could the fax be fake? It certainly looks real enough with the little scribbles on it and such.

Ten short steps to fake a fax
1. Type up a letter on a PC
2. Make sure to use REAL names (back date the document as necessary)
3. Make sure to follow proper formatting for your letter
4. Use the correct titles, phone numbers and addresses
5. Print it using standard fonts
6. Make a few scribbles, a note or number in the margin for authenticity
7. Copy the print out (copy of a copy of a copy) at least 7 times for an "older" look, only a few times for a newer fax look
8. Go to the fax machine (not electronic fax or bed scanner) and set the date of the fax machine as necessary (i.e. Feb 12, 2003)
9. Change the sending fax machines "Name" or "Organization" to whatever is needed as it will usually print this at the top of the fax.
10. Do the same to the recieving fax machines name and date

Note: If you can find an old thermal paper fax machine - this will add even more authenticity to the look!

Raw Story, Loaded Mouth, BlairWatch) at least should provide something OTHER than blog sites to support the documents. If this were from the Conservatives it would be trounced out on it's ear for pure political nonsense the moment the binary code hit the webpage. While Blairwatch claims the media have picked up on it - the "media" is Britains "Independent", which has the same agenda and overt liberal slant as the three blogs I've mentioned.


Thursday, December 29, 2005

Smirking Chimp: Paranoid Schizophrenia


I've really gotten into Firefox and all the little extensions it provides. It really assists in reading all sorts of news, opinions and blogs as well as finding information through the net quickly. I use Wizz RSS 2.0.4 to link into RSS and XML feeds of news and blogs from both the left and the right. While my personal views are usually predictable in the "moderate" side, I tend to read as much opinion from all angles and make up my own mind about things. It's the Zen or KISS method using Ocums Razor methodology - the simpler way is usually the right way, just as the common sense is a very lacking trait in the American society. (But that's another story... ).

To provide a short list, I usually browse:

Hugh Hewitt
BlogLoaded Mouth
Daily Kos
Michelle Malkin
Little Green Footballs
Smirking Chimp

All of these with one exception has little queues and nuggets of goodness wrapped in lots of partisan wrapping.

Smirking Chimp stands out as a paranoid's delight with sprinkles of misinformation, skewed facts and contrived conspiracy theory which makes quite a powerful concoction of kool aid as ever I've read. Consistantly (at least they are that), they provide anarchist paranoid skitzo reporting at the highest level. I will illustrate this by summarizing the RSS titles for today, 12/30:

"The Beginning of the end of the Bush administration"
quote:"The scaremongering by the Bush administration for Social Security was approching bankruptcywas seen as being as trustworthy as the myriad of lies used to justify the invasion of Iraq."

"Doomsday for the greenback"
quote: A preemptive attack on Iran would "provoke other industrial nations to strategically abandon the dollar en masse"... "in an effort to thwart the neoconservatives from pursuing their desperate strategy of dominating the world's hydrocarbon energy supply." William R. Clark "Petrodollar Warfare; Dollars, Euros and the upcoming Iranian Oil Bourse"

"Fear and loathing in the USA"
quote: I am sick to death of hearing, "the world is a different place since 9/11". This simple little phrase is bandied about as a reason to support every un-American piece of legislation pushed by BushCo and as justification for their illegal activity.

"The coming year"
quote: Only fortunetellers, the simple minded and the politically naïve brave predictions on our political future. Nevertheless, the nation's newspapers and magazines will fill with predictions about politics: the coming elections, U.S. success at bringing capitalism to Iraq, the progress of the so-called war on terror, the effort of a Christian minority to usurp the nation's agenda, and measurements of President Bush's increasing or declining popularity.

"The Republican crack-up"

"Impeachment is now real"

"It has happened here"
quote: It has happened here, "it" being fascism, American-style.

"The return of Total Information Awareness: Bush asserts dictatorial 'inherent' powers"

"Anti-imperialists beware — Bush is reading again"

"Big Brother Bush"

Now I have no doubt that this group of bloggers really believes what they write. It does have passion and some intelligence behind it. However the conspiracy theories abound while the mish mash of facist finger pointing and epithets detract from the overall story: Bush and anyone who knows of, went to school with, has met, shook hands, peed next to, supports, or believes 0.00001% of any incoherent jingoism that comes out of his mouth MUST be a nazi facist warmongering baby killing Jesus freak. Let's take a moment to not hate the person, but hate the disease:

Schizophrenia (SKITS-oh-FREEN-ee-uh)---one of the most damaging of all mental disorders---causes its victims to lose touch with reality. They often begin to hear, see, or feel things that aren't really there (hallucinations) or become convinced of things that simply aren't true (delusions). In the paranoid form of this disorder, they develop delusions of persecution or personal grandeur. The first signs of paranoid schizophrenia usually surface between the ages of 15 and 34. There is no cure, but the disorder can be controlled with medications. Severe attacks may require hospitalization.

Now of course, I do run the risk of criticism for being a Republican Android, facist pig, and any other name that can be hurled through the internet - but I'm just making a simple observation: Smirking Chimp authors MAY have a psychological problem. I can only read their posts in small quantities as reading it projects me into the twilight zone of bodies hanging from bridges, rubble and devastation in the streets, mass graves, disease and concentration camps for Democrats with ash snow falling down all around, which, no doubt they truely believe is the case. I have on occasion posted on forums where some have written saying "Yes, well that (SC's opinion) is absolutely accurate. There's nothing wrong with what they post."

I don't have a serial number tatoo. No one's crashed into my house to confiscate my books and movies. I can still go between states without showing my "papers". I am not forced to listen to propaganda from any one group against my will. My family hasn't been shot in front of my eyes on the street. I'm not part of a pseudo military group nor have I been forced to join one. I'm not in fear of my life or the life of my family. The media (argueably) isn't run by the Government. I'm not starving. I can write this information without fear of reprisal (except from Smirking Chimp). Not only this - I know of NO ONE who is forced to do or be part of anything they don't willingly want to be a participant. To a non-paranoid person reading SC, it's difficult to understand. I ask myself questions like "Where do they get this stuff?" and "How did _____ come to this conclusion?" What must the thought process be to connect the dots in such a way to see "facism"? I relate the non psycosematic diseased reader to simple overload of paranoid information. Given, if you hear things enough, you will start to believe them. While my blog is no where near the readership of any of the one's I've listed, I have to ask the question - why do so many buy into the group psycosis of SC? The only reason I can come up with is desperation - I think that all the pundits, great and small, have underestimated the physical and emotional anguish the far left has had to endure the past 6 years. Denial and abandonment as well as the rejection of two elections of what the far left claims is an "idiot President" has left them flabberghasted and lashing out. No I'm not asking for a "pity party", but it sure is the only answer I can come up with.

While their normal political and philisophical arguments didn't gain steam for them, now outright wild antics and venomistic claims DO gain them attention, at least on the internet. (This goes back to the PR proverb "Any PR is good PR." So while I still can enjoy my reading, I must admit, Smirking Chimp can only be had in small doses. The negativity abounds through evil icons, graphics and mental imagery that will simply overwhelm the senses. I would suggest taking an asprin or similiar before delving into it too deeply.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005

IRAQ: Clinton would have done the same...

I couldn't let this go... This transcript from Meet the Press interviews Brokaw and Koppel and their opinion on 9/11 - they ask some interesting questions about how and what the media should do...The interesting part? They say: Clinton would have done the same with regards to Iraq.

This will get some libby's panties in a ruffle... I'm waiting for the new "hate" list from the Left with targets drawn on Brokaw and Koppels faces. I certainly didn't expect it...

Read more at www.editorandpublisher....

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

One Dem admits: We're losers.

Finally something worth commenting on from the HuffPo site - other than the usual trash and whining, we have a semi-intelligent piece from RJ Eskow about how the libby's love to be the victim. While not completely without the whine of a true blueblood (2000 was still a stolen Presidency apparently - and he hasn't quite gotten over that yet.) he at least isn't buying into the whole victimization trail and doom/gloom. Lefties don't have the good ideas or the backbone to start leading and RJ exposes that and rightly so. When will a strong Moderate Liberal make himself known? (Notice I didn't include herself - cuz Hillary isn't it).Finally something worth reading at HuffPo. I didn't think I'd live to see it.


Feeding hate and calling it God

This is what gives Christianity a black eye. This isn't a church, it's a white supremists group. It doesn't teach love - it shows (actively) hate. It hides behind scripture and uses the bible as a shield while proclaiming faith. You don't need to be a Christian to know these people are cowards. THIS is what the left wingers really think the Conservatives are really.This is what Conservatives call Extremists. They should be kept on a short leash and watched carefully. Waco and Jonestown, just wait, here comes Westboro, KS.


It’s Big-Issue Time - Newsweek Politics -

Socialized medicine for KidsAmerica won't buy Socialized medicine and the increase in taxes associated with covering every person (legally there or illegally there) with health care, but maybe they'll do it for kids.Liberal whelp Eleanor Clift cites (D) Gov. Rod Blagojevich's plan to do just that. Maybe we can just try a little of the liberal-stew and see if we like it first. Sure it costs $1,000 a sip, but at least you get a sip and won't it be wonderful when 100,000 new government jobs will be created because of it!Hooray for Karl Marx! Mao Tse-Tung here we come!


LoanMax Proudly Makes Consumer Credit Available to Borrowers Abandoned by Banks

From the Campaign trail to Loan Sharking

Yes folks, really, if you need to get money and no one, I mean NO ONE will lend you some (because your not white), go to LoanMax and tell 'em Al Sharpton sent you! (Then notify the ACLU).


Monday, December 26, 2005

Tsunami and 13 Billion

Ok so where did it go? It's now 1 year after the Tsunami that hit the Indian Ocean and wrecked most of the Northern Indonesian coast with a 10 meter wall of water from a 9.0 earthquake NW of Banda Aceh. The water travelled on a parallel course to the Indonesian coast (not a perpendicular 90 degree angle) which hit the coastline and travelled slightly inland.

So CNN this morning has a nice touching 1 year follow up with a 9 year old who had his family killed by the tsunami with exception to his mother. A year ago, the reported chronicled the life this poor boy needed to live to stay alive. Now, 1 year later, he's in a different camp, but no better off.

The government of Indonesia, while having the 15th highest in GDP (that's 827 billion) in the world required world wide donations, which people gave willingly, and those donations were the highest amount given ever for a disaster event.

So let's do a little math - $13,000,000,000 (est.) was issued for Tsunami relief world wide for affected areas, of which, Indonesia was the worst hit. So let's just say that 75% of that 13 billion was used for Indonesia (that's 9.75 billion left). NPR estimated 400,000 people were displaced, lost their homes, etc. If in fact, the remainder of money went to the 400,000 people who were displaced, that would provide each displaced person $24,375 U.S. Yet, according to UNICEF a lot more needs to be done, and funding for the reconstruction has only started.

So okay, where's the money gone? Who's got it and why can't the money be distributed to the people who need it to build new homes and get them back on their feet? We also have to realize that the people of Indonesia who were displaced weren't living in mansions - prior to the tsunami they had meger incomes and meger lives. While the Indonesian government estimates $4.5 to $5 billion dollars in damages occured during the tsunami, why hasn't the 15th most powerful GDP in the world helped their people - and, where is the $13 billion dollars going?

Is it as CNN says, that the money is not getting to the people and the children (who must wash their clothes in public bathroom areas) are suffering?

The World Factbook identifies Indonesia:

Indonesia, a vast polyglot nation, has restored financial stability and pursued sober fiscal policies since the Asian financial crisis, but many economic development problems remain, including high unemployment, a fragile banking sector, endemic corruption, inadequate infrastructure, a poor investment climate, and unequal resource distribution among regions.

Their finances seem a little high in the corruption area and the "unequal resource distribution" sounds like most of the 9.75 billion may be going to fix the hotels and not to the people who need it. A caption from the NPR story identifies:

"Workers at one of 16 factories the International Organization for Migration has commissioned to build houses for people displaced by the tsunami. IOM has built 900 houses so far, with funding for 11,000 more."

900 homes in 1 year. Given a 100% growth rate for 2006, that means 1,800 homes will be built - how will they get to 11,000? Will the money just sit there for the next 8 years while the 11,000 homes are built? What about the other 300,000 people who are still supposedly displaced?

None of this adds up. The money doesn't, the displaced people don't and I don't know where the money that was so generously donated is being spent. My cynical side says it's in someone's pocket - or the money will be diverted to drug lords, politicans or maybe even terrorists. (Think the terrorists aren't looking at trying to get their mits on 1% of 9.75 billion?). I think the entire thing was probably a farce. The Indonesian government isn't making too much of a PR splash with all the help their providing to their own people.

Where's the money guys?

Related Link:
UPI Overhead takes up 1/3 of Tsunami relief funds

I guess I have my answer.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Liberal Groups Gear Up to Oppose Confirmation of Alito

Liberals apparently getting ready to oppose the Alito confirmation. Nothing better to do obviously. I hope he gets in and pukes all over Roe... lol!


U.S. Monitored Muslim Sites Across Nation for Radiation

The U.S. Monitored Muslim web sites? Ya think? Especially when the Jihadists and Al Queda use the internet regularly to announce responsibility to bombings and beheadings. I love the quote from Mukit Hossain who says "I don't understand what good this sort of surveillance is doing." He MUST be living in a hole.


Professors' Politics Draw Lawmakers Into the Fray - New York Times

Professors laying down some lip smack on politics and belittling those who don't share the same opinion. There's a word for that the left loves to call the right in politics - Discrimination.


Thursday, December 22, 2005

All I want for Christmas

Guess the Political Party

I know, you're thinking why the heck would I want to take a test. Well, it should be easy and sorta fun. It's called "Guess the Party" game - I give you a list of quotes from two of the biggest blogs out there in Internet land, and you guess which one is which. You're choices are:

Liberal - (Cynical)
Republican - (Positive)

If you don't know why the liberals are cynical, you just need to go to any south paw blog to find the f-bombs and the President of the United States being called every name in the book.

At the end you can score yourself and see how you did. No peeking - read them all okay? Ready?

"For 2005, my annual task of reviewing the past year has been complicated by an old adage: oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive."
Liberal or Republican

"California Republican congressman Duke Cunningham had a narrow window of opportunity...The aging Navy fighter-jock did not miss his chance. At an impromptu press conference, Cunningham announced both his resignation from Congress and his guilty plea to several corruption charges...the Dukester secured his place in history -- as a simpering, blubbering jellyfish."
Liberal or Republican

"Which is where we entered 2005: believe it or not, Bush and Cheney's second inaugural was a scant 11 months ago. Feels more like 11 years, doesn't it?"
Liberal or Republican

"Cheney, a man who makes Donald Trump look like a hands-off guy, would have us believe that he was shocked to learn that his top aide had become a rogue operative in this criminal conspiracy."
Liberal or Republican

"The Republican Congress was a disgrace throughout the year. Low points included the ethics scandals that embroiled both the House and Senate majority leaders."
Liberal or Republican

"By July, polls showed 51 percent of the country felt it had been misled into war. The slide has continued. Dick Cheney is now trailing cholera in opinion surveys."
Liberal or Republican

Hanging in there? It's going to get even better!

"Camp Casey was so traumatic for W that he was probably relieved when Hurricane Katrina's epic storm surge washed Cindy Sheehan out of the headlines. As ever, Bush was careless about what he wished for, and soon the world was looking at shocking aerial views of a country run by dim frat boys."
Liberal or Republican

"After Katrina, it began to seem that Bush's actions and policies were nothing more than the result of drunken bar bets. In fact, the very reputable National Enquirer posited that W was back on the bottle."
Liberal or Republican

"It's become clear that one of the reasons they wanted Iraqi oil was so they could boil it for use in interrogations. It used to be that an "extraordinary rendition" involved William Shatner singing "Mr. Bojangles"; now it has to do with re-opening Eastern European gulags."
Liberal or Republican

"Bush picked a fight he didn't need to pick. And lost. In doing so he weakened our nation and allies, and strengthened our enemies. And he did one more thing: he secured his place in history as a dangerous and soulless lunatic. It would require serious generosity to simply label him as pathetic."
Liberal or Republican

"Curly or Larry would have thrown in the towel by now. Unfortunately, Moe's our president."
Liberal or Republican

"O'Reilly saw through this Jewish, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, pagan, Wicca, agnostic, atheist plot and spearheaded a drive to forcibly put the phrase "Merry Christmas" back in the mouths of those who during the rest of the year sincerely urge us to "have a good one."
Liberal or Republican

"By way of thanks, I'd like to send along this special holiday greeting to Mr. O'Reilly: Go fuck yourself ... you have the technology."
Liberal or Republican

"Anyone who thinks Islam is congenitally hostile to democracy, however, will have to explain Indonesia, the world's biggest Muslim-dominated nation, which is now categorized as free...Over the past six years, Indonesia has undergone a remarkable transformation from near-dictator."
Liberal or Republican

Okay so how did you do? Did you pick up on the "subtleness" of the quotes? If you think you've got it down, then lets go to the scoring shall we?

Liberal quotes: All except the last quote.
Republican quote: None - the last quote was simply a fact

And there you have it! I'll give the author(s) credit for one thing - they sure are stupid - but words fail to show the utter dismay and vile hatred that this site brings to the blogsphere. From the posts you can tell they're not happy. Aww... Next time, we're going to have a "Pity Party" for the poor Commies who use big words they heard on the news like "Gulag", "Reich" and "the". They sound spineless and weak - too preoccupied by complaining. Where the roles reversed, they'd call the Republicans "whiners" and "sore loosers". All I have to say is right here... © 2005

Couldn't agree more with this Drudge Report. The Dems are going down the wrong path with this one. If we were in say 1980 and all this happened it may have legs - but this dog won't hunt.


Iraq's Election Result

Sunni's: We'll partake in your election, but if we don't win (even though were a minority) we'll quit and continue killing.

How's that for democracy in action!


The 'I Word' - Newsweek Politics -

Since the WMD issue didn't really pan out and the latest polls are showing Bush's approval rating going UP instead of DOWN, this will be the new clarion call of the Left.  Ultimately what will be done (I expect and predict) will be a large amount of committees, hearings on C-SPAN all through next year and a new 900 page publication for us to read for the Christmas 2006 season.

If nothing else it keeps our legislators busy investigating party politic issues instead of working to improve their constituants lives.  Our tax dollars at work.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Fearful Design

"Hippies in favor of getting hit by bolts of lightning"

God must really have these folks in PA scared. They've scared even the judge in the 3rd circuit court, John E. Jones (Appointed by George Walker Bush no less) into making it a crime for any teacher to even say the word God – unless I would suppose in the context of an epithet.

Most people understand that this school district wanted to teach “Intelligent Design” with the core studies of Darwinism and Science – which teaches we all evolved out of single cells billions of years ago. But, unfortunately that's incorrect. What the school wanted to do was simply read a few paragraphs at the beginning of these biology classes – one time in the school year (when the classes started) that there was this “thing” called Intelligent Design – and here's what it is and here's where to find out more about it – then move on for the rest of the entire school year, teaching science biology and Darwinism. Seems simple enough right? However, the people of Dover Pennsylvania seem to not like God very much and are threatened by even a few paragraphs being mentioned once (yes, that's one time in the school year) an alternative to Darwinism. I read the paragraphs and the mention of “God” isn't in those paragraphs.

An editorial from Dec. 21st in the Detroit Free Press states:

“Jones went even further, castigating members of the school board in Dover, Pa., who tried to make “intelligent design” a required part of science classes. It was nothing but a pretext, he said, “to promote religion in the public school classroom” in plain violation of the separation of church and state that was a purposeful inclusion in the Constitution of the United States and has served this nation well.”

That the Judge (who doesn't need a layman like me telling him his business) doesn't know there is no strict interpretation of “Church and State” in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights is fairly amazing. This proposed separation doesn't exist. All Senators, Governors and Representatives of the Congress including Judges to the Supreme Court as well as State Representatives take an oath of office with their hand on a Bible – the oath also mentions God. What about this “separation between church and state” issue? It was written in letters by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison years later as a policy that “should” be upheld – there's no Article or Amendment stating such – even though some will argue it's part of the 1st amendment. If it is, this separation is a HUNDRED times more difficult to interpret than the 2nd amendment which allows firearms for it's citizens – and yet – the gun haters are very quick to point out the 2nd amendment doesn't really mean what is says and it need to be interpreted.

What is it that threatens people when others use the word “intelligent design”? The Boston Globe Op-Ed says:

“Believing in something doesn't make it so -- or make it science. And it's about time somebody called the religious right on this simple truth.”

So why not change the Evolutionary Theory into Evolutionary Fact. Heck, it's been a theory all my life so when will someone going to come along and prove it out? I wouldn't be hard pressed to shoot back::

“A theory doesn't make it so – or make it truth. And it's about time somebody called the radical left on this simple fact.”

Bruce Feiler from my least liked periodical newspaper the NYT says:

“At a time when religion dominates the headlines - from Iraq to terrorism to stem cells - finding a way to educate young people about faith should become a national imperative. Achieving this goal in a legal, nonsectarian manner requires Americans to get over the kitchen-table bromide, "Don't talk about politics and religion in public."

Brap! Wrong. We most certainly SHOULD talk about it in public. What, now I have to be a closet Christian? Put it in the back room as the religious haters can start persecuting Christians again like in the Dark and Middle Ages? Isn't this the 21st century where almost anything goes... but just not God. (Note: NYT Op-Ed piece totally being out of touch with the rest of non-New York society – who would have guessed!)

And all this happening so close to the major Western religious holiday, Christmas. When groups are boycotting Target and WalMart for using “Holiday” instead of “Christmas”, when local governments are legally required to ask private citizens to remove “the manger scene” from front lawns because someone has been offended, when supreme court cases are pending to remove the word “God” from the pledge of allegiance.

What I see is the far left hacking at the far rights jugular. By killing God in the public eye, the left will remove the major obstacle in their way of uniting moderates and secularists. To the atheists and those who renounce religion of any kind, the removal of ALL religion is the goal to unite all people as different religions have different beliefs which put all those not in the same religion at odds with each other. I do see this even within the Christian belief – the Catholics say the Baptists are going to hell, and the Mormons thing everyone but them are going to hell, etc. This for the anti-religious is a divider so why not remove God all together?

This is the same bunch who want to disarm Americans totally – making guns illegal to own or buy. The same who want the word God stricken from every piece of paper having to do with any local, state or federal government as well as all procedures in schools. They want less freedoms for our citizens for the “greater good of all people”, which means that since citizens cannot possibly do things themselves, Government must then do it for them.

Analogy time: In a bugs bunny cartoon from the 40's, an Indian is chasing Bugs, when he hits the Indian in face with a snow ball. The following dialog ensues:

Indian: (after just being hit with the snow ball) Snow? In summer time?
(Indian walks over to Bugs who's packing another snow ball in his hands)
Indian: Hey, how come you can makeum snowball in summer time?
Bugs: Well you see Hiawatha, it's too cold to make them in the winter.
Indian: Oh. Me say snow balls too cold to make in winter time.

In this analogy Bugs = “the Liberals” and the stupid Indian = “you and me”. (Unless “you” are part of the Liberals, in which case you're then Bugs). Got it?

These are the same types of things that happened during the 1920's and 1930's in Russia after the Bolshevik revolution when Communism started to come in power. The American left wing loved Russia and their new method of Government and wanted America to do the same. Everything was done for the “good of the people” which is a watered down Communist method called “Socialism”. Heard the term “It takes a village”? Well, our Hillary Rodham Clinton said that little ditty and it's right out of the Marx manifesto. Journalists and liberals in America during the 1930's fell in love with Russia – so people like Walter Duranty who worked for (how did you guess???) the New York Times, was a full on supporter and history tells us he covered up his knowledge of the atrocities that were occurring in Russia during the times so as not to disparage Communism. Thousands of supporters were ready to embrace Communism at the time.

“Stalin wanted control of the food supply to feed the battalion of workers that would carry out his “Five Year Plan” of rapid industrialization. Communist ideology also had to be enforced, which meant private land ownership had to be abolished. In order to collectivize agriculture, Stalin herded private farmers onto large, state-owned farms where they would supposedly word for the common good instead of private gain.”

“Even though the collectivization process was largely complete, Stalin's battle against the wicked Kulak (the large landowning peasant and “class enemy” of the countryside) was not yet over. They were “defeated” but not “exterminated”.

“Stalin began issuing delivery quotas for grain that the Ukrainians could not meet without themselves dying of starvation. Failure to meet the requirement was chalked up as deliberate sabotage.”

Sound familiar? One of the first things to go in Communist Russia was banning religion. If the people had hope through religious belief, it would hamper the states needs and provide a basis of revolt, so it had to go. Get rid of religion, disarm the public, put business and trade under government control, socialize medicine, the food and water supply, remove the wealth from the wealthy and give it to the government.

Fascism isn't the way, nor is it removing God from our language. Take a look at some of the Socialist Democracies in existence today. England, Germany, Australia, New Zealand. Very secular and God is a little private “joke” that only comes about once or twice a year.

This country was built by Quakers and Puritans – both super religious. The founders were all religious men, as was and is every President after them. Ripping God out of America simply won't happen – God's on our money, in our schools and sorry, you pass churches on your way to anywhere in this country, reminding you asshat atheists that people don't believe you because you want them to, but they believe in God because He exists. The more it's in the media, the more children and non-believers will ask “What's God all about?” And that's just fine with me.

Recommended reading: Thomas E. Woods, Jr., “The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History”. I highly recommend it as he points out where history revisionism is taking place in education – literally: History is being re-written to support certain points of view, or things are being omitted. For example: FDR – not a very good president, though most people today believe he was one of the best. (Read the book).

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Far Left Fictional Writing 101

It continues to amaze me how deeply and resolute the hatred goes for politics and specifically some politicians. The hatred for Bush, as an example, is so deep and seeded in politics and the media that even THEY have stooped to a new low.

Now I know why they do this – it’s because the Democrats MUST win the next Presidential election. Let’s face it, the GOP runs both houses of Congress and the Presidency – Bush and his cronies must go, “by any means necessary”. Who gets in isn’t as important as that they are NOT Republicans. What price that must be paid is also secondary – you, the reader and the people that our politicians are said to represent and work for are secondary to making sure that 2008 is a Democratic year. The Democratic party has a “must win” situation in 2008 and it will sacrifice our troops in foreign countries, the U.S. credibility, the Constitution or anything else that stands in their way. That’s a big threat and one we should take seriously.

Not convinced? Well, let’s take a look at some things that have occurred and are occurring now which will segue to the fictional writing course that I’ve titled this little ditty.

The 2000 Presidential election was a severe blow to the Democrats. That Bush won in 2000 is still hurtful and a sore spot with the Green Party and Democrats. That the election was supposedly “rigged” or that Democrat votes weren’t counted, voter fraud, the Florida issue etc., was blamed all the way up until the 2004 election. In 2004, John Kerry was supposed to win. The Dems put everything they had into that election, pulled out all the stops, fund raised their little butts off to get Kerry into the White House and turn around the course of G.W.’s horror story. Bush was supposedly involved in everything from your ingrown toenail problem to the largest deficit, oil and land grabs in the Middle East, conspiracies, torture, imperialism, murder, you name it – Bush did it. And if he didn’t then Cheney, Rumsfeld or his other cronies / toadies did it for him.

Well, guess what, 2004 Bush was re-elected. *GASP* This put über-liberals into a tail spin. That’s when the America hating really began as did the self loathing. America MUST be stupid to re-elect such a dumbass – to the liberal mind, there is no other explanation. Michael Moore said it best as to say “They (American Citizens) are possibly the dumbest people on the planet,” and “We don’t know anything that’s happening outside our country. Our stupidity is embarrassing.” To the liberal way of thinking – the rest of America (the Red States, Conservatives, Moderates, etc.) must just be too ignorant to understand what we (the much more intelligent and open minded) were trying to say. To the liberal who believes his/her thoughts and ideas are far superior to those of the simple blue collar worker or middle American NOT on the East or West coast. To the liberal – American’s are cattle who must be herded and lead towards what they cannot possibly understand. They (Conservatives) are far to simple, with their belief in this magical being called “GOD” and their simple lives and thoughts – the conservative simpleton. That liberal superiority complex is what drives them to always attempt to convince the Republicans that their ways are simple and much to quaint to fully grasp the concepts of politics. The Liberal amount of sophistication, level of higher learning and knowledge etc. shows that they must be right. When the conservative doesn’t listen or rejects their ideas – they are insulted. Why aren’t the ignorant simpletons convinced? Why can’t they see what we (liberals) are saying is true?

The reason is that these “simpletons” that the liberals see as cattle really aren’t simple at all. They have ingrown beliefs and thoughts that they were taught as they grew up. Good things like honor, trust, belief in God and doing things the right way, following up, being true to your word, helping others, being kind, having noble thoughts, finishing what they start – you know, stupid “quaint” ideas like that. They are also very well educated but actually have values and traditions they want to keep and pass on to their children. They may or may not agree with others – but what they will most likely reject instantly is this “higher than thou” attitude the liberal brings to the table and the outrage the liberal exudes when the conservative isn’t convinced or swayed.

What I’ve noticed are a few things:
- Liberals will do ANYTHING to get a liberal into the Whitehouse
- Liberals HATE America for not seeing things their way

The “anything” portion includes making things up to continue to try and convince non-liberals that things are bad, corrupt, non-genuine. This is done via conspiracy theories. Now me personally, I like these conspiracy theories because they are very entertaining. While fictional (though they are delivered as “fact”), it’s like watching another Oliver Stone movie every time. What happens is when the second point above, (the HATE for America) enters into the picture and added to the doing anything to get a Democrat into the Whitehouse – everyone and anything will be sacrificed.

To this end, the New York Times and Rolling Stone – probably both are viewed by the general public as “left leaning” if not full out Liberal periodicals, have put out the Rendon Group theory.

NYT Article

Rather than recapping the entire article, I’ll just direct my reader to the link above, we see that there’s this elaborate conspiracy started by Bush through the Dept. of Justice and Pentagon, to the Rendon Group, involving the CIA and then a paid journalist in Australia, which is then picked up by the NYT then published as an elaborate plot to support Bush’s argument for invading Iraq.

Now to listen to the left – Bush can’t ties his shoe laces, and it’s obvious that the Republicans in the White House aren’t that swift – so how did they mastermind this entire psy-ops disinformation on the American public without shooting themselves in the foot?

Haven’t heard of this article? I’m not surprised – it’s right up there with the former Canadian Prime Minister who believes in UFO’s and that they are landing here for 60 years already and it’s a cover up. Yeah, okay pal. Show me the little green men and I’ll listen – otherwise your just as bad as those kooks living in boxes and screaming at themselves on 73rd and Columbus Ave. I’m not saying it’s not possible; it’s just that Oakum’s Razor is usually true – the simplest explanation is most likely the case. The more complicated things are the less likely they are true or likely to work. That the hatred by the liberals has reached such a low as to try and pass this fiction off as hard news is a new low – almost as low as the accusations they levy at the Republicans for “lying about the war”.

Just to keep things into perspective – we’re all talking about politicians. Liberal or Conservative makes little difference. They will do whatever they need to do (dirty or not) to get elected. It’s how they make money. Distrust of politicians is a good thing – distrust of Government is a good thing. What I find myself doing more than ever is: Distrusting the Democratic Party and their supporters. Their motivations and “means to an end” are rooted in hate of Bush and hate of themselves (the self loathing part). All the more reason to not elect someone who buys into their hatred.

Some Supporting Links:

1. The Center for Media and Democracy (a very liberal / Socialist publication)
2. Corps Watch (Another group with liberal background)
3. < a href=> The Rolling Stone Version of the Story

A Post Script:

What is preventing the Democrats from taking over you may ask. It’s the Democrats themselves. The GOP has some creative folks as well and using the Democrats own speeches, appearances on talk shows, C-SPAN time in the House or Senate they have dug their own hole and have the likes of Kerry, Dean and Pelosi continuing to dig. I’m firmly convinced that Dean is secretly on the GOP payroll, for every time he opens his mouth, the Republicans get a surge in poll numbers. The latest craze has been that Bush and the NSA have been spying on Americans. Liberals are connecting the dots and saying this is how and why Nixon was impeached and resigned. I’ll hold off on THAT until more information is available – however, I take the 4th and 13th amendments very seriously. I am not amused that these things have been going on without oversight and this should be looked into very closely. What I will say is, this isn’t 1974 and legislation WAS put into effect by the Clinton administration which provided for these “roving wire taps”. While I also want to find out what is happening and what this government is doing – I also will not be amused if/when Democrats use this as a party platform for electing Hillary or some other wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Where’s the leaders from the Democratic Party we can look up to, no matter what political party we’re part of? If they only would provide someone credible to run who has morals and leadership – I’d probably vote for them.

Video: Wild Thing Video

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Whaddya Expect?

Seems there's a bit of posturing going on down under. The Aussies are getting a bit too drunk and saying some mean 'ol things about our Middle Eastern friends, while draping themselves into the Aussie flag.

So what do people expect? The tolerance thing is wearing thin, myself included. Every day new innocent people are blown up, throats cut, or terrorized and threatened in these muslim countries. When is enough enough? How much can people take before the backlash starts taking an ugly turn? Well, we may have our answer.

While moderate Aussies are not feeling too good about the protesting and beligerant stance the boozed up in the street types are spouting - this isn't new.


I'll leave this one for future posts while I follow the press...