Sunday, January 29, 2006

Cindy Sheehan's Disgrace

[Tags: Sheehan, Feinstein, socialism, protest, Chavez,

Cindy Sheehan will soon be an afterthought, sorta like that really spicy Thai food - yes it was quite spicy going down, certainly did cause some gas, and then burned when expelled, but it's over now. Cindy had much more than her fair 15 minutes and by using her son's name and his death, she's stretched it out for over a year. All that is about to crash around her ankles like a prom dress in the back of Daddy's Chevy. Part of me can't wait to see her cry her crocodile tears, another part wants her to suffer like her son would be suffering from her insane behavior since his death, and another part of me pity's her entire existence. She certainly would be better off jumping off a pier, but hey, she should know what's she's doing right?

I've composed my letter to Cindy in a thoughtful way - no name calling, no outrage. I think she certainly can turn herself around if she catches herself in time - I think the time she has left is short. She should start living her life for herself again and honor her sons memory and stop being a tool for fringe left politics. Any time you have Michael Moore on your side, it's time to pack it in and go home.

I certainly like A Western Heart's view of this. Political Yen/Yang has a different take on it, as does Liberal Republican and Conservative Democrat.

What most seem to agree on is that Cindy's about to explode and it's going to be all over the place, in a messy nasty gross vomitus sort of way. It's all too easy really. I've got my popcorn all ready. Screw sweeps week, this is gonna be good.

A letter to Cindy Sheehan

Dear Cindy,

For over a year now I've watched, read and listened to the media coverage you have been garnering with much interest. The latest of which has been your trip to Venezuela and your meeting with Hugo Chavez. The Democratic Party and your supporters have supported you and your cause since your sons unfortunate death fighting in the United States military.

This letter is probably letter number 1,000,000,000 or some such non-sense, and I'm sure you won't even read it personally, but it may sit and never be opened, or if I'm fortunate, it will be opened and read by one of your supporters who's job it is to do such a task.

The pictures of Hugo Chavez and you that were published in the media were very disturbing to say the least. You're wearing your sons picture around your neck at some demonstrations - yet your son is no longer the focus of your position. You claim to work to bring the U.S. military home from an illegal war where the soldiers have no voice of opposition - yet when asked, these troops do not share your view. I might point out neither did your son when he was alive.

I must point out that the actions you are taking only drag your son's memory in the mud of your far left views. You must understand that everything your son stood for and believed in is now overshadowed by your fanaticism. You're being used by the far left to further their own goals. You're hatred for Bush and the current Republican government as well as some of the Democratic representatives that currently serve in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives may or may not be founded yet your actions only further separate you from the people of America.

To be perfectly blunt, I do wish you much success in your future endeavors as it will further define your fringe position from the mainstream of America. While you will always have supporters and believers in your constant rhetoric and accusations and there will always be more targets of your supposed outrage and ire, many American's see you for what you are: A pawn. You're son no longer matters no matter what your crying face may show and what your words may be in the rally's and protests you attend as a speaker. Your success will ultimately identify your lack of common sense and socialistic views. I truly do feel sorry for your loss, yet your outlet of blame and playing the victim of your sons death is unforgivable. You've lost your marriage, your family support, your son and you fill it with people who say they care for you but do not. You're life has become a circus and the public are the patrons in the stands watching and eating popcorn.

Honor your son, honor his memory and stop erasing him from America's memory by your constant protests - by not doing so you further your own selfish goals and serve only yourself. At the very least stop carrying your sons picture like a badge of truth - he has and had nothing to do with who and what you are now. You push his picture in front of you for the cameras like a shield - a testament to your actions. Can you look yourself in the mirror and say you are really doing this for him? Isn't it all about you and the campaign against what you believe are "criminals" in the White House? I urge you to soul search again and re-evaluate your current path before you are made out as a mockery and slowly fade into obscurity. Don't be the butt of comedian jokes and don't let that happen to your son's memory.

I will leave you with the words of your own family:

Being a jackass is an emotional thing

A Sheehan Family letter to Cindy August 2005:

"The Sheehan Family lost our beloved Casey in the Iraq War and we have been silently, respectfully grieving. We do not agree with the political motivations and publicity tactics of Cindy Sheehan. She now appears to be promoting her own personal agenda and notoriety at the the expense of her son's good name and reputation. The rest of the Sheehan Family supports the troops, our country, and our President, silently, with prayer and respect.


Casey Sheehan's grandparents, aunts, uncles and numerous cousins."


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