Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Book lovers

I'm a book hound. I love to read, the more I read the better. But lately there's no time and I'm really interested in a few of these below and the bonus is, these are some of the shortest books of all time! So when you go to the next interview or someone asks you the question, "What were the last few books you've read?", you can now proudly quote from the ones below:

The world's 20 shortest books of all time:

"The book of virtues", by Bill Clinton
"My plan to find the Real Killers", by O.J. Simpson
"Human Rights advances in China"
"America's Most Popular Lawyers"
"Career Opportunities for Liberal Arts majors", Academic Society
"Detroit - A Travel Guide"
"Different ways to spell 'Bob'"
"Dr. Kevorkian's Collection of Motivational Speeches"
"Easy UNIX"
"Al Gore: The Wild Years"
"Everything Women know about Men"
"Everything Men know about Women"
"French Hospitality"
"George Foreman's Big Book of Baby Names"
"How to sustain a musical career", Art Garfunkel
"Mike Tyson's guide to dating etiquette," by Mike Tyson
"One hundred and one Spotted Owl recipes," by the EPA
"Things I wouldn't do for money," Dennis Rodman
"The Amish Phone Directory"
"The Engineer's guide to fashion"

(Thanks to the Matt Wosniak from


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