Monday, November 22, 2004

It's only entertainment

Something smells... and it's YOU DUDE!

I want to go to a basketball game! I haven't changed my dislike of the game itself, but now I'm seeing a monetary benefit - even with the hefty ticket prices of today’s games. I can throw a cup of ice on a player, get slugged in the face, then sue the crap out of him and get a couple hundred grand settlements! YEAH BABY!! That'll put the kiddies through college or buy me that mid-life crisis corvette!

And it's not just basketball, it's all sports. What the jocks don't understand (probably because they went through college without going to class) is they are bought and paid for entertainers. Sure it's competitive sports, but their fans are the lifeline and let's face it - these (mostly) less than sharp athletes are getting paid millions and millions to entertain us. If it's not competitive and/or not entertaining we don't go, watch or buy their stupid team logo'd crap and therefore the team gets sold to another city.

The white man giveth and the white man taketh away

That's right Spreewell and Artest (73 game suspension! YEAH!) you are performers for the WHITE MAN baby! When was the last time the actor playing Horatio in Hamlet jumped over the pit orchestra to clock the guy in the third row who's making fun of the actor’s tights? Same thing. Here's my talk with Artest: You don't deserve to make your money. You're an idiot. This ain't the 'hood mofo - this is your career. You were bought and paid for by the white man owners who pay you millions to perform on the basketball court. Keep hitting the fans and we don't have a team and you don't have your millions. You'll end up overseas playing for Croatia and living in a cellar apartment wishing for your bling bling and honeys. This isn't Brooklyn, you ain't no gangster and your dumb ass RAP album isn't going to buy you any street ‘cred bro! Grow up and stop acting like an 8 year old. Most animals have more sense than to sh*t where they eat - and you're meal tickets come from those fans. Get over yourself, do your job and shut up.

I loved the interview with CNN this morning with Charles Barkley who said basically: If someone hits you, you have the right to beat their ass. Interviewer: But the fan didn't touch Artest I thought a cup of soda with ice was thrown. Barkley: Same thing.

Charles Barkley was a joke when he was playing and now is even funnier. He should take that on the road, really. He can go to a comedy club and beat the snot out of hecklers. It was also mentioned Barkley's incident in 1991 where he went to spit on a heckler and hit an 8 year old little girl instead. It's such a PROUD sport huh? Spitting on little girls.

Here's my solution. Both Indiana and Detroit’s players were suspended but I think it should go further. Attacks on fans of any sort gets you permanently ejected out of the sport altogether. No appeal - nothing. Just gone. Contract's should be written with those provisions - the athlete’s contract is null and void. These athlete's are paid more in one year that I probably will get paid my entire working life. They have the parties, the women, drugs, more parties, the material wealth and fame and are exalted as "heros" and "role models" for children and aspiring college players. We're rewarding the entirely wrong things. Throw these bums out. I can swallow a helluva lot of pride for the money they are getting paid - wanna call me every name in the book and throw soda on me? I don't care cuz I'm still getting paid.

Artest! Here boy. Roll over. Now now, roll over or no money. Here's a bling bling treat for you... roll over. ROLL OVER! Good boy!!


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