Thursday, March 02, 2006

Why America (apparently) Sucks

[Tags: Teacher, Bennish, education, mp3, pinko,

We fail because our educational system is brain-washing our children. The teachers unions are still the strongest unions in the US - lets face it, getting a bad teacher out of a school or preventing them from providing not only detrimental information, lies, opinions, etc., is next to impossible. In my H.S. a band teacher was caught (on film) fondeling the young girls in the Silks and Color Guard, not once, not twice but three times. He was finally charged criminally and was put "on leave" from the school with full pay and benefits until he was ultimately asked to "retire".

Found on Little Green Footballs - this Geography teacher seem to be teaching civics and the new liberal history. Is Geography the same as History now? Granted it's been a while since I've been in school - but this guy should not only be removed from teaching, he should be banned from teaching anything, anywhere.

Geography Teacher from Overland High School in Colorado, Jay Bennish

Let's summarize - Bush isn't Hitler, but he's close. Israel exists because America needed an ally, Mexico will again go to war with America, Israel are the real terrorists - not the Palestinans, America kills innocent people on purpose, anyone in the CIA who "thinks like that", DOES want to kill innocent people, our flag represents the same thing as the Nazi flag or the Confederate flag depending on your perspective. Thank God for this kid finally having enough and recording the entire tirade for everyone to hear. At least the kid is asking educated questions and hasn't been brainwashed yet - it may however, only be a matter of time.

From the Denver Post:

"In the 20-minute recording, made on an MP3 player, teacher Jay Bennish described capitalism as a system "at odds with human rights." He also said there were "eerie similarities" between what Bush said during his Jan. 28 State of the Union address and "things that Adolf Hitler used to say."

The United States was "probably the single most violent nation on planet Earth," Bennish also said on the tape.

Bennish was placed on leave "to take some of the pressure off of him" during the investigation, which could wrap up in a week, Amole said.

Superintendent Monte Moses, who received a copy of the recording on Monday from 850 KOA-AM radio show host Mike Rosen, said it appears "a breach of district policy" occurred."

And this has what to do with Geography? All the little kool-aide drinkers in training are getting a great education. They can't read, write or add and subtract, but they sure as HELL know that the Republicans and our Government lie and are warmongering killers. Our government makes more weapons, kills more people than any other one! Yay! Let's just invite Castro and dig up the old bones of Lenin and have big 'ol ticker tape parade down through Manhattan, give them the key's to the city, erect a statue in their honor and start calling each other "comrade". Who's bringing the Vodka?

The funny part was when this teacher starts banging on capitalism and how money is the root of all evil. Got news for you ass hat - in every country in the world, money rules. There are have's and have not's everywhere, in every country, in every burgh, in every town and village. What mushroom does this guy live under and how the hell did this guy get to teach children? Search his home - it will be full of kiddie porn he uses when he gets himself in froth about Condi.

Another Opinion

And another

And yet another

Here, in my own state (not suprising, BTW) in Parsippany, NJ they are having a mock trial putting our President on trial. Here's a quote from from Morris County NJ:

"President Bush is being tried for "crimes against civilian populations" and "inhumane treatment of prisoners" at Parsippany High School, with students arguing both sides before a five-teacher "international court of justice." The panel's verdict could come as soon as Friday."

And then like, I said Bush like, you know, sucks

While not a very objectionable thing to have - mock trials have been going on in school rooms for a long time, and usually do represent the "hot button" issues in society - but what makes this very interesting when coupled with Mr. Communist PBS boy from Overland H.S., is that THIS, is exactly why people want to home school their kids. Children aren't learning what they need in their lives any longer - they are getting brainwashing sessions from either left OR right wing fanatics, and it just shouldn't be there. They are getting this type of learning from grade school with the ultimate "cherry" on the sundae being Liberal Colleges all across America.

The question, "Why are all of our soldiers under-educated?" The answer is argueably because the educated people are not very educated, but they are brain-washed. Fostering the distrust and negativity from a young age through high school and then topping it off in College - gee... I wonder why in 50 years, America will be invaded by Jamaica - the reason is, no one will be willing to defend what they have, nor their rights. This is typical of what children are learning in schools, and this dork of a teacher, who I hope is at least removed from ever teaching again, would be HAILED as a GENIUS at any Ivy League schools or State Universities. I wouldn't be suprised if Overland H.S. makes a class called "How to hate your country and Government" and gives him a raise!


Blogger ObbaJobba said...

Just wanted to point out that Loose Change 2nd Edition is a basically a "film" made by some coked up conspiracy theory writers. Almost all the facts are wrong, quotes are botched up, and all their sources are other chaos theory writers. Always, ALWAYS, check your facts. I may even be wrong as I type this right now, but I am still questioning what really happened that day.

7:45 PM  
Blogger patrick said...

If you want to get even angrier on the subject of education you should read terrorist Bill Ayers column on education in the Huffington Post.

Ayers blames all of the ills of America's education on...wait for it...George Bush! Apparently the democratically controlled teachers unions and school administrators are not to blame for any of the problems in the education system.

In the spirit of free speech, I tried to debate Ayers article in the comments section, but they moderate their posts so that dissenting opinions are suppressed.

Another dangerous professor who you should be aware of is Juan Cole, Professor of History, University of Michigan.

Here's the link to his "blog"

In Juan Cole's world, evil Zionists are stalking him at every turn & phantom Neocons hide under his bed at night.

I am truly saddened by the state of today's educational system.

1:08 AM  
Blogger patrick said...

Update to 1st post:

I also tried to open a dialogue with Juan Cole on his website...wait for dissenting opinion was suppressed! He refused to publish my comments.

Free speech apparently only applies to the Far Left when it serves their platform.

1:15 AM  

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