Thursday, March 02, 2006

Lucy's a Terrorist?

[Tags: Peanuts, terrorism, PETA, wierdo, ELF,

It seems that Pamelyn Ferdin, a cute kid actress from the 1970's (you may remember her from Disney movies and some TV stuff if you're that old) is now heading up a terrorist organization. Yep, that's right, the voice of Lucy from Peanuts... this cute little kid

Pamelyn Ferdin the president of NJ chapter of (SHAC) Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty, who had 4 members charged with Animal Enterprise Terrorism (the first enacted since the law became law in 1992) as well as multiple counts of Interstate Stalking and Conspiracy to commit Interstate Stalking as well as Telephone Harassment (and everyone thought the Phone police was another one of those urban myths!)

Apparently, the group, "...used its Web site to incite violence against people and institutions it claimed were affiliated with the animal testing lab."

More from the CNN article: "Ferdin, who also played Felix Unger's daughter Edna on "The Odd Couple" TV comedy series, told jurors, "For the government to say you can't say this and you can't say that is going down a very scary path of going toward fascism."

I love it - people are facists because they are held accountable for harassing, stalking and intimidating others to do their bidding, and when they don't do your bidding, you get arrested and claim your harassment and stalking is covered by the 1st Amendment.

Ferdin took over the (SHAC) group in 2004 when it's prior leader, Kevin Kjonaas, was indicted by another jury. The same Kevin Kjonaas who's quoted saying:

"If a car being blown up in a driveway or animals being liberated from a lab scares them, then I would say that fear pales by comparison to the fear that the animals have every day. The kind of true violence that these animals endure at the hands of people at Huntingdon leaves me with little sympathy."

More about Eco-Terrorism and Eco-Terrorists in the U.S.

Good thing I'm not the judge... I'd put them away for 1 year, hard labor, and only chickenfingers and water. All I really have to say is....



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