Sunday, October 09, 2005

Bird Flu Review Pooh

It used to be that some thought there was an elite group of people who run the entire world economy, politics and power like the Illuminati, Skull & Bones, The Bilderberg Group or even the Masons. These secret organizations had their own designs on how things should be run, and have infiltrated not only world governments but were the Presidents, Prime Ministers, Corporation CEO's and could have even been your plumber or electrician.

They have their own designs and agendas apart from what you and I see, hear and live in our own little worlds.

So you think I've finally gone off the deep end then. I've read the Da Vinci Code one too many times and have popped a gasket and have bought into the whole conspiracy belief system and soon I'll be living in a box in St. Louis eating old out of garbage cans with my pet rat "skippy" because the "MAN" is after me. Not really.

What I am confused about is all the flap we hear every hear about "FLU". Last year it was the media, newspapers, radio and television. "Worst Flu Season Ever" the headlines screamed! "Epidemic Imminent!" the television said. All of the arm-chair quarterback and wannabe news magazine shows shoved it down our throats every hour on the hour for a month - "Where's the vaccine? Why don't we have enough? Why was the batch in Britain last year thrown out? Will it happen again? Who's overseeing this? We're all going to DIE!!!

I don't know about your areas, but here in the North East we're getting pummeled by the "Bird Flu". Everyone's getting all whipped into a frenzy about a possible Pandemic (that's an Epidemic of infectious disease on a Global scale - usually killing millions. Such was the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918 which killed an estimated 25 million world wide and 500,000 in the U.S.

"Here chicky chicky, I've got a nice flamethrower for you"

Remember SARS? While it made a splash in the media as the next killer of every baby in North America, it fizzled and went away. The bottom line is, every few years a new superbug comes out that threatens to kill everyone on earth - it's been that way since life began and it's the same way now. Getting whipped into a froth about what "might" happen is the biggest waste of time I've ever heard of and the media should be ashamed at shoving this down our throats?

Do they get their jolly's watching people squirm and get panic sweats by broadcasting this "fantasy" 24 hours a day? And let's be honest here - at this moment in time, it's a fantasy.

"There is also a historical record of Influenza pandemics of varying severity at 20-40 year intervals. In February 2004, avian influenza virus was detected in pigs in Vietnam, increasing fears of the emergence of new variant strains. It is feared that if the avian influenza virus undergoes antigenic shift with a human influenza virus, the new subtype created could be both highly contagious and highly lethal in humans. Such a subtype could cause a global influenza pandemic, similar to the Spanish Flu, or the lower mortality pandemics the Asian Flue and the Hong Kong Flu. In November 2004 the director for the western region of the World Health Organization said that an influenza pandemic was inevitable and called for urgent plans to combat the virus."

"...urgent plans to combat the virus." that doesn't even exist. So tell me my readers, who are much smarter than I... how do you combat a virus that doesn't exist? Should we purposely combine the two viruses and man-make the superbug which will kill us all so we can create a vaccine? The reason these people are all freaked out is (they reason) if Pigs can get the virus than so can humans. Swine Flu (for everyone who's old enough to remember THAT one) was a scare back in the 1970's that also fizzled after a brief appearance. It was that swine flu was given to humans and bridged the DNA gap similar to the Avian Flu. I'm sure there has been or soon will be, Monkey Flu, Puppy Flu, Ewe Flu, Duck Flu, Honk Flu (given by Geese or stepping in Geese poo), and any other type of animal flu you could think of.

Right now the Bird Flu or "Avian" Flu is controlled by killing and burning the infected birds (usually Ducks and Chickens) and most of the infected species has been in Asia.

Side Bar: Ok, so why do all these nasty diseases come out of Asia? China, Taiwan, Indonesia? What the hell are they doing over there that's so conducive to these new strains of flu? Sick bastards.

So the WHO (World Health Organization) is having a meeting in Switzerland Nov 7-9 2005 on what to do about the human pandemic of Avian flu, which doesn't yet exist. While planning is nice - the bottom line is if there wasn't a new flu or naughty bug every once in a while, the WHO and other organizations like them would be playing checkers or computer solitaire, wishing and hoping for the salad days of Mad Cow Disease and Bubonic Plague.

"You see Jane, you put the lime WITH the coconut..."

My other thought here is the the North American Media is in kahoots with the drug companies! (Canada is already estimating 2 million dead in America by Avian Flu - mighty nice of them eh?) Let's look at some facts - the average American (average is the key word) takes 2 prescription drugs either weekly or daily on a regular basis. Who need coke and heroine when you can get your fix at CVS Pharmacy? Now, what happens when people either get better or stop taking their drugs? What's new on the market what can the advertising and marketing people at Squibb or other mega drug companies do to keep up the sales? BANG! Avian Flu baby! Whip up some frenzy with the media, get some lobbyists into the UN and WHO and let's have a summit on the "IMPENDING PANDEMIC OF AVIAN FLU". So the nervous nelly's get more nervous, the media arm-chair wannabe newscasters ask all the same old insipid questions like:

- Do we have a vaccine?
- Who is working on this?
- When can we expect the pandemic to occur?
- Let's talk to our expert Dr. Stupid

Jane: Thank you Dr. Stupid for helping us understand this disease
Dr. Stupid: No problem Jane after all I AM a real doctor
Jane: Yes of course you are. So what is Avian Flu and how does it affect our viewers?
Dr. Stupid: We're all going to die Jane
Jane: But WHEN are we all going to die Dr. Stupid?
Dr. Stupid: Well, someday in the future by either the Avian Flu or something else
Jane: Thank you for that report Dr. Stupid
Dr. Stupid: My pleasure

Folks - don't buy into this hype. It's another bug. Yes there are many more of us to get it, yes it can spread quicker than ever before and yes it may be more deadly than the plague. But lets not forget we are living longer (chemically enhanced) lives, we have better germ and virus control, better medicines and HUGE corporate pharmaceutical companies who could make BILLIONS on getting a vaccine out just in the nick of time to avert a world wide death knell.

And critics say Capitalism doesn't work. Pa-shaw.

"Aww man, if I don't get my Ambien fix soon dude, I'm gonna flip out!"


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