Sunday, November 28, 2004

Not going to Wal-Mart

I wish I could say I'm not going to Wal-Mart because of a higher sense of purpose. That there's some deep personal or political mantra which decended upon my soul and is keeping me from buying the 48 oz. Coco-Puffs for $3.98. Maybe a moral sense of right and wrong? Nah.

How about sympathy for unions or overseas sweatshop workers. Not really. Maybe it's the way their employees get stomped on? Nope.

So what's the REAL reason I don't want to go to Wal-Mart for my Coco-Puffs. Well, there's actually two reasons - maybe three if I can squeak it out.

First, if life were the movie "Demolition Man", Wal-Mart would be Taco-Bell. Yes yes, a very confusing analogy if you've never seen the movie - so go watch it. It's go Wesley Snipes, Stallone and the cutesy Sandra Bullock (her first real Hollywood movie by the way).

Silly Stallone - ALL restaurants are TACO BELL!

In the movie, there was a civil war and the only restaurant left standing was Taco Bell - hence every restaurant is now called Taco Bell. Will every store, no matter what type now be called Wal-Mart? Of course there's SUPER Wal-Mart now. You can get gas, groceries, clothes, have your car tuned up and new tires put on, have your optomotrist appointment, get new glasses and get your perscription filled. They also have a restaurant (NO - not Taco Bell) and cafe. You can get the lawn tractor, bug spray, new shoes and a partridge in a pear tree!

No thanks. Too big, too much. Keep going like this and we'll HAVE to shop at Wal-Mart because that's all that will be left. I like the assortment of stores and the option of buying different types of product. If I like Nike I get Nike, if I like Toro I get Toro. If Wal-Mart has it's way - you'll buy Wal-Mart cuz that's all the choice you'll have.

Second, I hate giganto corporations. Starbucks is getting up there with that crowd. Microsoft is already there and Wal-Mart is ready to take over the entire heap of garbage. The larger corporations get the greedier and stupider they get. After a while they can't remember what they did to get where they are in the first place and wonder why it falls apart. Wal-Mart has the best prices, but I'll pass. I'd rather spend another .25 cents or a dollar or two to have a choice.

Third, I still feel like they have second rate items. I'd rather go to Sears or JCPenny or Strawbridges (here on the East Coast) to get things. I like them better. I'll go to A&P or ACME for groceries, I'll get my autoparts at an autoparts store. I'll get my tires changed at my local tire business. What happens to all those small businesses that my neighbors, family and friends have worked day and night building once Wal-Mart comes to town? Sorry! You owned (past tense) your own business before but now you smile and greet the snotty kids as they come through the door okayyyy?

Sure I can save money - but so what. I can't take it with me. I'll use it any damn way I see fit. I see fit to patronize my local businesses and pay a little more. Wal-Mart can kiss my tuckus. I ain't selling out to those bastards and I'm not buying their products even if their products are the same ones that I pay more for at my buddy's business. Wholesale or not.



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