Thursday, July 14, 2005

It's the IPOD's fault

Yes it's been a while, and a lot has gone on. Complacency is a bad thing but this morning my ire was woken with a jolt at a CNN interview this morning.

A tragedy befell a family from Pennsylvania, who's son was killed in Brooklyn NY after he wouldn't hand over his friends IPOD (he was holding it) to some street thugs who demanded it. The 15 year old boy was stabbed and later died.


This in itself is enough to get anyone's hackles up, however that was nothing compared to the epiphany of insight into our swirling American culture as the next question, which came from CNN Reporter Kelly Wallace was simply insane. Reporter kelly Wallace asks the grieving parents the following question:

"Do you blame the IPOD for you son's death?"

So let me get this straight... Wallace who has worked for CNN since 1990 and who has a bachelor of science from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and who graduated magna cum laude with 15 years of reporting experience just asked grieving parents if their son's death was the fault OF AN IN-ANIMATE OBJECT!

Yes folks, it's the IPODS fault. Given this interesting concept, Observational Pissings decided to do an interview with the IPOD and get it's reaction to this appalling situation.

OP: Thank you for agreeing to this interview IPOD and let me get right down to it. Do you at all feel Kelly Wallace's question was appropriate given the circumstances of their son's death?
IPOD: ....
OP: I know this is difficult, but what is your reaction to the inferance that you may have caused the death of a 15 year old in Brooklyn?
IPOD: .........
OP: Is it not true that you were at the scene when this death occurred?
IPOD: .............
OP: Do you have any comment whatsoever that would refute your involvement and the accusation that by just being present at the scene, caused these events to occur? Do you feel you have any accountability in this case?
IPOD: ......................

The IPOD isn't talking and you know why?


I loved the question which seemed to provide no responsibility to the participants in the crime, nor the gang of youths who killed this 15 year old boy, nor the boy himself who, could have run but chose to fight. It's obviously none of their faults. Surely it's the in-animate objects fault - I mean come on. What was it doing there in the first place! It's so blatent that the IPOD, an object which is man made, is not "alive" by any known scientific criteria, which is purchased as entertainment, must have been the problem here! Is there a conspiracy going on here? Could it be that Kelly Wallace is working for the Bar association of NY and just launched a big fat softball into the feeding frenzy of litigation sharks? This story was as effective as dumping a 55 gallon drum of "chum" around Apple with a big sign saying "FREE EATS!"

So, next time you're in a car accident, it's the car's fault - Sue the manufacturer. When you stub your toe on the table, it's the tables fault - Sue the manufacturer. When you cut your finger slicing a bagel, it's the knife AND the bagel's fault - sue both the bastards right?

Let's face it, if the bagel wasn't so rubbery and was easier to cut, not as much pressure would have been needed therefore not increasing the likelihood of the knife cutting your finger.

I think the knife has a good case against the bagel in this case. Call Thomas Mesereau! The knife is suing for 10 million!


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