Sunday, November 28, 2004

Not going to Wal-Mart

I wish I could say I'm not going to Wal-Mart because of a higher sense of purpose. That there's some deep personal or political mantra which decended upon my soul and is keeping me from buying the 48 oz. Coco-Puffs for $3.98. Maybe a moral sense of right and wrong? Nah.

How about sympathy for unions or overseas sweatshop workers. Not really. Maybe it's the way their employees get stomped on? Nope.

So what's the REAL reason I don't want to go to Wal-Mart for my Coco-Puffs. Well, there's actually two reasons - maybe three if I can squeak it out.

First, if life were the movie "Demolition Man", Wal-Mart would be Taco-Bell. Yes yes, a very confusing analogy if you've never seen the movie - so go watch it. It's go Wesley Snipes, Stallone and the cutesy Sandra Bullock (her first real Hollywood movie by the way).

Silly Stallone - ALL restaurants are TACO BELL!

In the movie, there was a civil war and the only restaurant left standing was Taco Bell - hence every restaurant is now called Taco Bell. Will every store, no matter what type now be called Wal-Mart? Of course there's SUPER Wal-Mart now. You can get gas, groceries, clothes, have your car tuned up and new tires put on, have your optomotrist appointment, get new glasses and get your perscription filled. They also have a restaurant (NO - not Taco Bell) and cafe. You can get the lawn tractor, bug spray, new shoes and a partridge in a pear tree!

No thanks. Too big, too much. Keep going like this and we'll HAVE to shop at Wal-Mart because that's all that will be left. I like the assortment of stores and the option of buying different types of product. If I like Nike I get Nike, if I like Toro I get Toro. If Wal-Mart has it's way - you'll buy Wal-Mart cuz that's all the choice you'll have.

Second, I hate giganto corporations. Starbucks is getting up there with that crowd. Microsoft is already there and Wal-Mart is ready to take over the entire heap of garbage. The larger corporations get the greedier and stupider they get. After a while they can't remember what they did to get where they are in the first place and wonder why it falls apart. Wal-Mart has the best prices, but I'll pass. I'd rather spend another .25 cents or a dollar or two to have a choice.

Third, I still feel like they have second rate items. I'd rather go to Sears or JCPenny or Strawbridges (here on the East Coast) to get things. I like them better. I'll go to A&P or ACME for groceries, I'll get my autoparts at an autoparts store. I'll get my tires changed at my local tire business. What happens to all those small businesses that my neighbors, family and friends have worked day and night building once Wal-Mart comes to town? Sorry! You owned (past tense) your own business before but now you smile and greet the snotty kids as they come through the door okayyyy?

Sure I can save money - but so what. I can't take it with me. I'll use it any damn way I see fit. I see fit to patronize my local businesses and pay a little more. Wal-Mart can kiss my tuckus. I ain't selling out to those bastards and I'm not buying their products even if their products are the same ones that I pay more for at my buddy's business. Wholesale or not.


Friday, November 26, 2004

Monkey Poo Coffee

A recent trip into NY found me in a very nice posh Hilton hotel right down the street from Radio City Music Hall and Rockerfeller Center. While in the restaurant and me being a little bit of a coffee buff, I looked over a short list of refreshing beverages when I spied with my little eye a cup of coffee with a price tag of $12.95. Now, this isn't "jaw dropping" as this IS NYC. I've had $5 coffee before (which was no better than convenience store coffee by the way) at restaurants and supposed "fine dining" establishments - but $12.95??? It was a typo - and obvious typo.

When the waiter got to me I asked for a plain coffee and matter of factly mentioned there was a small typo on the coffee. The waiter - not missing a beat said that the coffee I referred to was Kopi Luwak, and Indonesian coffee. I believe my exact words were: "Really..." He nodded very smugly, while next to me a friend urged me to "do it man".

Fine. By all accounts it was a pretty damn good cup of coffee - a little spicy with full body. Being curious, I went to the friendly neighborhood internet and looked up Kopi Luwak. To my dismay I then remembered this coffee - it's commonly called Crappicino, since it is eaten by a small monkey, pooped out, collected, de-hulled, dried and sold at premium prices.

The little bugger responsible for $100 a pound of coffee

Rather than bore everyone who's not very hip on coffee - the digestive juices (urp) of the little primate is supposed to give it that "spice" I mentioned before. While I'm an open minded person, I will not usually spend $12.95 on a CUP of coffee but will spend that on a POUND of coffee.

Feeling adventurous?

Get some CRAPPICINO (otherwise known as (Kopi Luwak) and other mamal touched products.

Get some NON primate pooped on coffee that damn good (Baby's Coffee)

Read all about Kopi Luwak.

Only Indonesians would attempt to save pooped out coffee and then convince Westerners it's the best on earth and charge outrageous prices. If they aren't capitalists I don't know who is.

Monday, November 22, 2004

It's only entertainment

Something smells... and it's YOU DUDE!

I want to go to a basketball game! I haven't changed my dislike of the game itself, but now I'm seeing a monetary benefit - even with the hefty ticket prices of today’s games. I can throw a cup of ice on a player, get slugged in the face, then sue the crap out of him and get a couple hundred grand settlements! YEAH BABY!! That'll put the kiddies through college or buy me that mid-life crisis corvette!

And it's not just basketball, it's all sports. What the jocks don't understand (probably because they went through college without going to class) is they are bought and paid for entertainers. Sure it's competitive sports, but their fans are the lifeline and let's face it - these (mostly) less than sharp athletes are getting paid millions and millions to entertain us. If it's not competitive and/or not entertaining we don't go, watch or buy their stupid team logo'd crap and therefore the team gets sold to another city.

The white man giveth and the white man taketh away

That's right Spreewell and Artest (73 game suspension! YEAH!) you are performers for the WHITE MAN baby! When was the last time the actor playing Horatio in Hamlet jumped over the pit orchestra to clock the guy in the third row who's making fun of the actor’s tights? Same thing. Here's my talk with Artest: You don't deserve to make your money. You're an idiot. This ain't the 'hood mofo - this is your career. You were bought and paid for by the white man owners who pay you millions to perform on the basketball court. Keep hitting the fans and we don't have a team and you don't have your millions. You'll end up overseas playing for Croatia and living in a cellar apartment wishing for your bling bling and honeys. This isn't Brooklyn, you ain't no gangster and your dumb ass RAP album isn't going to buy you any street ‘cred bro! Grow up and stop acting like an 8 year old. Most animals have more sense than to sh*t where they eat - and you're meal tickets come from those fans. Get over yourself, do your job and shut up.

I loved the interview with CNN this morning with Charles Barkley who said basically: If someone hits you, you have the right to beat their ass. Interviewer: But the fan didn't touch Artest I thought a cup of soda with ice was thrown. Barkley: Same thing.

Charles Barkley was a joke when he was playing and now is even funnier. He should take that on the road, really. He can go to a comedy club and beat the snot out of hecklers. It was also mentioned Barkley's incident in 1991 where he went to spit on a heckler and hit an 8 year old little girl instead. It's such a PROUD sport huh? Spitting on little girls.

Here's my solution. Both Indiana and Detroit’s players were suspended but I think it should go further. Attacks on fans of any sort gets you permanently ejected out of the sport altogether. No appeal - nothing. Just gone. Contract's should be written with those provisions - the athlete’s contract is null and void. These athlete's are paid more in one year that I probably will get paid my entire working life. They have the parties, the women, drugs, more parties, the material wealth and fame and are exalted as "heros" and "role models" for children and aspiring college players. We're rewarding the entirely wrong things. Throw these bums out. I can swallow a helluva lot of pride for the money they are getting paid - wanna call me every name in the book and throw soda on me? I don't care cuz I'm still getting paid.

Artest! Here boy. Roll over. Now now, roll over or no money. Here's a bling bling treat for you... roll over. ROLL OVER! Good boy!!

Saturday, November 20, 2004


A wonderful thing happened today. I heard on CNN Headline news the following:

"The Netherlands spokesman said that we (the Dutch) have been tolerant of intolerant people for too long..."

This was in response to the November 2nd 2004 killing of Theo Van Gogh. His documentary film titled "Submission" which depicted the violence against Islamic women, was shown on Dutch TV. In response to that showing Van Gogh (who is related to the famous painter Vincent Van Gogh) received death threats. He was shot by a 26 year old Dutch-Moroccan man and subsequently died.

The BBC Van Gogh Article

In response Dutch immigration seems to have no problem expelling fundementalist Muslims from the country. There is also a call country wide, to bounce these hateful people out of the Netherlands. Muslim Threats

As an off-shoot story, the EU minister also said that immigrants should be learning to speak the local languages of Europe and to adopt "European values".
*Shock* ... *Dismay* ... *Outrage*

Oh my. Did you just read that correctly? I almost fell out of my chair after reading that little tidbit. MORE HERE I actually couldn't believe those words came from the Europeans. Are they finally seeing the light here? Can it be that they are finally seeing the threat of these radicals? Those quotes were very un-PC by the way. I'd probably have a coranary if I heard a U.S. politician say something like that. Good lord man! These are the Dutch we're talking about! They've been the easy going surfer dudes of Europe for decades! If THEY'RE getting fed up with them, it must be bad.

Herbert Hoover ran in 1928 on the slogan "A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage". Here's one some of the right wingers can glom onto:

"A bullet in every radical muslim and 'NO NUKES FOR YOU'"

It was all I could come up with on short notice...

Thursday, November 18, 2004

You're killing baby Jesus

I'm so proud to live in NJ. Only here where a mix of NY attitude and Massachusetts Politics could ban instrumental holiday songs. Yes, you heard right, INSTRUMENTAL holiday songs. It seems the simple melody and counter-melodies which have no conceptual context, offends.

NJ School Bans Songs

While on the other side of the coin, we have the banning of Halloween costumes and some parents fear crime or the snatching of their children by masked marauders posing as candy seekers! Oh goodness! .

Halloween banned in CT!

I'm offended that these idiots are breathing MY air. I'm offended that they have wasted some of my time in my life, which I cannot get back, by making me read, get outraged and now write about absolute stupidity. What I also find a little ironic is that retarded people are usually identified as being "not too smart" due to a physical problem. What are these NJ and CT people's excuse? What planet are they from? (This lends itself to the alien theory). I'm convinced these people have either mental disabilities, are just attention starved, on drugs or are aliens from another planet.


While I feel it is my job to point out idiots who have no common sense, I'd also like to point out something positive today. Yes, this is a first I know and hopefully I can find more things that actually have a POSITIVE outcome, outlook or something like that... there..

Oh yes. Positive. I'd like to point out that while these two schools are run and populated by absolute morons, this attitude and or belief system is NOT very wide spread. I can only say that common sense is not dead (as I may or may not have previously reported) and even during the holidays - people (in general) are not as stupid as I may portray them.

I'd like to also point out that I'm not perfect (no, really) and I make stupid mistakes (like staying at my job way longer than I should) and sometimes drinking strong coffee before going to bed or eating kolbasa & beans before going to the movies. Which is a segway to: "Everything I need to know I learned from Forrest Gump" - which is to say, I could have cut down my typing for this segment and simply given the links with the following quote:

"Stupid is as stupid does."

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Young Apathy

It kills me. How boring life must be.

From \Ap"a*thy\, n.; pl. Apathies. [L. apathia, Gr. ?; 'a priv. + ?, fr. ?, ?, to suffer: cf. F. apathie. See Pathos.] Want of feeling; privation of passion, emotion, or excitement; dispassion; -- applied either to the body or the mind. As applied to the mind, it is a calmness, indolence, or state of indifference, incapable of being ruffled or roused to active interest or exertion by pleasure, pain, or passion.

The young 'uns just don't care about anything. They aren't interested in anything, don't want to do anything, has no interest in hobbies, sports, acedemics, outdoors, politics, the planet, indoor activities, outdoor activities, health, family or anything of the like. They don't want to work but want to get paid - and paid a LOT of money. They don't want to go to school and work for a degree yet they want a $100k job. They want to hang out, they want to drink and get stoned, but they also want lots of stuff - which costs money which they have to earn yet don't want to work for.

The issue here is all the parents of the 80's gave their kids all the things they didn't have - and now these kids are spoiled beyond belief. Why should they move out? Why do they need a job when Mom and Dad give them everything and more!

This isn't new - it's always existed, but at least earlier generations at least were involved. They liked cars, were involved with their school sports or after school functions. When I was going to school in the 80's and 90's kids were still involved - they liked to do things. They saw value in being involved. Not so any more. They sit around the house, get in trouble, complain and whine constantly about how they wants stuff but want someone to give it to them.

Wake up. Real life isn't Mom and Dad giving you everything. No one will pay you $100k to do nothing. Face it, your a lazy putz. Get off your ass and get to work. Don't like ANYTHING and don't want to DO ANYTHING? You're going to have a hard life pal.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Morons among us

Want to know why there are Unions? Because most mid-level managers are absolute door-knobs. The good middle managers (there are no good VP's or higher in Corporations since they hold the same position as blood sucking lawyers) are usually fired for fear of actually moving a product or company ahead or, God forbid, showing leadership.

Unions were needed a long time ago because these door-knobs took it upon themselves to actually threaten and sometimes, even cause the death or dismemberment of their employees. Today, the door-knobs don't have that power. They're basically mousey, not to bright individuals who steal catch phrases from their underlings to make themselves sound pithy. They learn the "lingo" like "P&L Statement" or "EBITDA", and throw it around until someone accepts them for possibly knowing what they're talking about. But the jokes on you - they haven't a clue.

By not having a clue, they are usually promoted for their pithy comments and "play it safe" methods. They rarely make a mistake because they rarely do anything at all! Golf and business travel are NOT work. Meetings are a necessity but those meetings are usually a swirling mish-mash of tangents that produce a lot of talking, very little listening and NO common sense. The result is a comment like "This was a very good meeting! I feel like we accomplished a lot!" Check that one for the next promotion meeting!

These blood suckers are demanding self centered ass-hats that can't think themselves out of a peanut butter sandwich, but who make >$100k at the low to mid level, and above the $200k in higher level. VP's make much more and do oh so much less. They're existance is delegating work to others and then making them change it 100 times because they're not sure if the heading should be in Times New Roman 16 or Arial bold 14.

The other shocker is you can't talk to them. If you don't spoon feed them information over a period of a week or two prior to really getting into the details, they have the "deer in the headlights" look and then they freak out, get confused, look for their crib notes of pithy come backs or just start yelling to cover up their lack of IQ. Remember, these are the people who will determine YOUR bonus and raise at the end of the year! YAY! Sometimes they're loud and obnoxious and just roll over you with their volume. Sometimes they're the tall "Woody Allen" types who stammer and sweat and confuse easily. Most times they interject absurd ideas that make normal people roll their eyes. The kiss asses who pander to these door-knobs are probably the worst people on the planet.

I can't blame some though. These are the people who are getting paid a fair wage and simply can't afford to loose their job by blurting out, "BWAHAHAHA. You really think THAT idea will generate more money! Wait wait! Would you like to buy a bridge!!" followed by more snickering and a walk out of the office by security.

I'm having these fantasy's recently that involve a room packed full of these middle managers and VP's discussing the finer points of how not to get a damn thing done. I stand up and pace the floor and start off telling them they're spinless morons who need to go back to business 101. How they can't focus, can't execute a plan and talk too much. They should be listening first. They should be throwing away useless idiotic processes that cause problems and they should stop firing the people who actually know that they heck is going on and how to get things done! That they don't only identifies them as ass-hats who deserve nothing less than jail time, since they're defrauding their own company by posing as an employee. I then take off my stupid access badge and toss it on the table and announce "I'm on vacation for the next two weeks", hand over my PC and have a little talk with Darby our security guard on the way out.

While others have shared a more personal fantasy:
- Calling their boss a #&%&@!@#)!! over and over for 5 minutes during their exit interview
- Taking a dump on the bosses desk (kinda gross if you ask me)
- Mooning their boss during a meeting
- Playing fart sounds on a phone conference call whenever the boss speaks (I like that one!)
- Calling the boss from Jamaica and telling him what he can do with his job while snuggling to a very attractive young lady (yes I cleaned that one up).

Here's a resignation letter I'm thinking of modifying to accurately get my point across.

Dear [Recipient's name]:

Yesterday I woke up and realized that this is the worst career experience for anyone, even a eunich. Therefore, I'm officially notifying you of my resignation from [company name]. My last day will be today.

This company has a littany of problems. [insert littany here]

On top of that, I can't stand to work for you any longer. You, alone, have been a constant source of pain and suffering for me ever since I started this job. Your walk and parts of speech are sheer agony. I can't understand how you made it this far in the professional community, let along get up on the morning and even function on a basic human level.

Today is a great day for me. I will never have to see, hear or listen to you ever again. If we do happen to run into each other I will make sure to treat you like a mouldy piece of trash being used as toilet paper by a bum.

Warmest Regards,

[Your Signature]

While all these are very nice, I prefer my fantasy. It gets rid of any loyalty that may still be clinging on. It provides lots of witnessess which will be good water cooler talk for at least a day or two. It puts my leaving in the "lore" of the company - so many years later the last two employees will reminisce about the time "so and so" left and they laugh and wish they did it too. Ahhh... yes. The good old days.

Thinking of telling your boss where to put it??

I recommend the following reading: Bad Bossology

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Men are LOOSERS!!

At least that's what advertising exec's want you to believe. We're obviously stupid, insipid and the duller of the tools in the shed - or at least, that's the way advertising companies use the male figure. What used to be "bimbo's and rambo's" is now "bimbo's and Jethro" (a Beverly Hillbilly's reference there).

How about the Verizon commerical that is widely played now in the North East U.S. It shows a relatively overweight dad giving the gift of Verizon phones to his daughters (with Mom in the background) and the daughters (& Mom) take the phones which supposedly saves the family money. Quickly they exit dismissing dad like he's a leper, leaving the curly hair male figure puzzled with a stupid look on his face.

My next one is again in the North East, which is for Patriot Cable - where a tight shot of Mom & Dad watching their childs birthday party of kids. Mom says, "So when's the Clown going to be here?" Dad suddenly gets scared as he OBVIOUSLY forgot about the clown - and he uses the quick cable web access to order a clown for the party. Then the horse was OBVIOUSLY forgotten as well... and again, Dad insipidly forgot to order the horse for horsey rides...

While women have their own beefs with advertising (scantily clad women, using them as sex objects to hawk beer, sports, whatever) I'm not making a comparison. And if I WERE to make a comparison, I'd say I'd much rather be a sex object used to sell beer than a fat idiot who can barely dress himself.

Is it funny? The dumb dad like Ray Romano? Kinda dim witted, not too bright and doesn't have a very good job but good hearted in a stupid kinda way. Women obviously are the direct opposite. Smart, quick witted and remembering everything. Good with money, handles the kids, job and cooks, cleans, wipes up the kids puke, runs them to sports events, is involved in the school board AND runs the church finances while dad is lucky to remember where the car keys are and may STILL get lost going to work. The problem is everyone, including men have accepted this portrayal. It's considered politically correct according to this article.

These stereotypes are just as bad as the female stereotypes and much less accurate. A somewhat outdated article can be found here regarding these roles. But I'd propose men's roles as the "DUFUS" has expanded since then and are now bleeding into sit coms, reality TV shows, plays and movies. This isn't new - stereotypes are probably the easiest things to cling to for unimaginative ad exec's who need put something out for a customer.

Is it that men want to be misunderstood and underestimated? We don't mind being a jackass; the butt of jokes so to speak? Is it simply a revolt against the "MAN"; white middle aged executives who are paunchy and poxed with rich model wives sitting around the pool on a cell phone with Wall Street yelling "SELL TEN THOUSAND OF MICROSOFT!!!".

If represented that executive in a commercial would be pictured sitting behind his desk, bored, playing with a pencil. He's 30ish, a little frumpy with a blank pasty face, a little jumpy and definately a dull "tool". This isn't simply a U.S. issue either. Another article from the U.K. also shows men are none too swift.

So, given the choice would you rather be:

A: Handsome/Beautiful and thought of only for your body


B: An insipid idiot, frumpy, jumpy and dull

I'm still thinking women who are thought of as a "piece of meat" in advertising are getting the better deal here.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Democrat Flop Cake

When you think of Democrat what do you think of? Open mindedness? Live and let live? Pro-choice? Right now it makes me think of "whoop ass", or maybe flop cake.

You know what flop cake is right? It's a new recipe for cake cut out of the paper, a magazine or from a new cookbook - you are careful to measure and follow everything to a "T", and expectatly take it out of the over only to find out it's flopped and looks like your uncle Eddie sat on it. It may still taste okay, but looks like... well... flop.

I can only say the U.S. of A is ready to re-elect what the Dems have called an absolute MORON (among other things) rather than elect a Dem like Kerry. Amazing. The left portrayed Bush as probably every derogatory animal, adjective or adverb and I think even made up words. Wrote tons of anti-Bush books, started at least 2 radio stations dedicated to kicking Bush out of the White House, tapped into the ACLU,, anti-gun lobby's, George Soros, Hollywood (too many to list here), Unions, MTV, and on and on and on. Still, Kerry get's his ass handed to him on a silver platter.

But wait... it get's better. Dems are still pissed off, even more than before. They still can't believe it. Some want a recount, some want to leave the country, some want to just curl up in a fetal position and suck their thumbs until aunti Hillary comes to the rescue in 2008.

Here's what I say. Get off your butts and stop blaming everything and everone else for the failure. Instead of leaving (cowardly) or continuing to blather the political spin - figure out what is really going on in the Democratic party! As much as you may not want to admit it - the Republicans are right, you have to look inwardly into your own party to find out why a sitting President who supposedly has the IQ of Forrest Gump kicked your butts.

Could it be because Kerry was not moderate enough? Did kinda waffle a bit in the beginning? Had John Edwards as a veep (I really don't like that guy). I think it's time to stop blaming and to start restructuring - to find out what happened to the Democratic party that produced FDR or J.F. Kennedy. The Dem's don't have any of the gumption that those past Democrats had. Dems do whine too much. They want to blame everything on everyone else except themselves. Well it's time to stop. Get back on the horse, restructure and get more moderate. Get some moderate race horses in 2008 (and hate to tell ya Hillary aint it), stop being so damnned concieted and get real. Stand for something and don't be opportunistic. Don't spout Socialist mantra - "It takes a village to raise a child" crap. It takes hard work and common sense.

I don't agree with many things Bush says, does and or acts upon. He uses the word "believe" way too much. But he's predictable, stable and christian. That resonates with the common man.

What resonated with Kerry was his throwing his medals on the White House lawn (or didn't he?), his bad mouthing Vietnam (probably not a good thing in retrospect), he didn't get off Vietnam during the beginning of the race (definately still a sore spot), only developed a real plan for his presidency in September.

Granted, this is nothing compared to some of the blunders and missteps Bush has made but this is post 911. If 911 didn't happen, Kerry would have won in a landslide but that's not the case. Get over it and move on.

George Soros has apparently left the country. Good. Robert Redford is planning to move to Ireland - good riddance. Hits to Canada's immegration website is apparently UP by 6x - good! If you wanna leave - leave. Move out Sally! It's probably best for you to see how other country's do things anyway - it'll be a great experience for you.

I can only say that Hillary isn't the answer, neither is Michael Moore, Redford, Asner, Springsteen, Daschel (hate that guy too) or any other bleeding edge liberal. If you leave you can't get involved, and if you're not involved you can't change things and if you can't change things you must be secretly satisifed with how things are now. Shut your cake holes and get on your horses and make the Democratic party a great party again not this far left socialist breeding ground of venom and hate.

There are risks and costs to a program of action. But they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction John F. Kennedy

Stop your complaining and get into action.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004


I got to hand it to Bin Laden - he's one twisted freak. For a western educated and modern cave/dirt dweller he sure can lay on the brain-washed rhetoric. According to CNN in this article, Bin Laden is claiming ownership of the U.S. Federal debt! Wow. His little dirt dwellers did all that. What a (pardon my french) ass-hat.

He is so blind he doesn't realize he's not screwing with the Russians, his own feeble and weak minded country men, he's messing with the big boys. His money and funding was siezed so now it's underground. He can't poke his nose outside lest it get bombed. His little followers are now concentrated in Iraq reduced to cowering behind buildings and setting off car bombs - hardly the honorable way to go.

His latest little video shows pure despare in pleading with the American public to vote Bush out. Notice, no little AK behind him this time. IT was truly pathetic and shows that not only are we kicking his Al-Killer but - he's pleading with the same people he chuckled about killing, to please vote Bush out of office so he can get a little breathing room.

Poor poor little terrorist. He needs to go to finance school. The GDP of the United States isn't the GDP of a Cold War Russia. Not only will we pull out of debt, but we'll continue to pummel the underwear stains like Bin-Laughable and his cronies all over the world. Welcome to hell you little freak! Enjoy living a long life looking over your shoulder, living in dirt caves and making videos in your pathetic life. I can only hope that a Hell of unimaginable horrors awaits you in eternity.

Kiss kiss!